Ticket in city of buffalo...

So tonight while leaving jims steak out i went thru a yellow light and right when my car was under it the light turned red.

and there just happen to be a cop turning onto the street and he pulled me over.

so this being my first ticket i was wondering what i should do

plea guilty or not guilty.

and if my car is really silver and he wrote gray on the ticket does that matter?

If it’s in the city your screwed… They do not Plea Bargain.


you’re fucked… unless you have a lawyer.

It’s still not going to help him. I have been to city court twice. You have to prove the cop is wrong, which will never happen. So plead guilty and pay the fine and be done with it… It sux I know but the three major cities in NY (NYC, Rochester and Buffalo) do not Plea Bargain…

Yeah I’m in the same boat here with the red light in Buffalo, then the next day got a ticket for no front plate. Great first 2 days living in Buffalo. So much for having more money. :tdown:


what wonderful timing, books to pay for, car insurance to pay for and valentines day comming up…


so just plea guilty and pay the i think its 75 + 50 dollar fine

Yeah, if you plea not-guilty, they slap you with an ‘administrative charge’ or some BS on top of it.

SHit not even a lawyer can help you…I’ve tried it before…lol…

I got caught last week on harris hill and Genesee in lancaster, running the red light…Now I have to go to court on feb 2nd…But from what i hear, i might get lucky and, might be dropped to a parking ticket… :slight_smile:
I know for a fact that in the city, they are gonna hit you over the head no matter what…so in other words…
YOU’RE Fu**ed… :frowning:

Good luck!

it happends to the best of us. u will get prolly 2 points and if ur lucky like me it wont even effect ur insurance

I’d say plead “not guilty” unless the whole court thing is too much of an inconvience for you.

I went to Buffalo City Court a couple days ago and saw 4 cases dismissed because 2 different cops didn’t have propper documentation. It’s worth a try. I think running a red light is $250.

1 for unsafe start/asshating
2 for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign
1 for driving without head lights

Plus I admitted i was guilty (when i realized the cop was there) but had corrected the problem and the charge was dropped, just had to pay the retarded “service charge” of $50.

if u have to go to lancaster court you should be ok…the DA is kind of a dick…but he does reduce things pretty well

it says on back of the ticket

first offense for running a red light every but NYC is 75$ + 50$

so im thinking just plea gulity

mail it in

see what happens

Points is what you should be worried about.

But you can take a class for that.

The only thing that works in Buffalo is if you know the judge and/or cop :smiley:

Wow thats shitty. The exact same thing happened to me in downtown as well. Thank God the cop let me off.

How many points do you get for that? Like Daddie said, thats what you really need to worry about. Speaking from experience, insurance will rape you if you have points and are under 25.

I have 8 points as it is, and while I’m not being raped I might lose my liscense. According to the DMV site it’s 3 points for a red light. :tdown:

damn… I’m supprised you got a ticket in the first place. I’ve done plenty of stupid shit in the city (sometimes in front of cops) and never once got hastled. I’d just follow the advice above… :tup:

Yeah and the funny part was

that 3 cops…yes 3 buffalo cops were there for me going thru the light

i thought it was pretty funny,

but i guess ill just have to take the point reduction course and go from there.

Plead not guilty. Good chance you can get off:

  1. He may not even show
  2. If he shows, he may not have a record of the incidence.

I’ve gotten 2 tickets in Buffalo.

Both charges dismissed, for above said reasons…

Thats what I heard…:eyebrow:

the grey vs silver thing is not going to make a differance if they said your car was red… one thing… silver vs grey… not issue.
If 3 cops saw you I’d just fess up and pay the ticket…
I lost my licence for speeding in buffalo only had my licence for 5 and 1/2 months… probation p0wn3d me) … I was doing 80 on the 33 and got nailed. I was very suprised to see the cop… there are no cops on the 33.