Does this sound shady? v. Undercover Police Officer

So I was walking in my front door today and a unmarked white van pulled into my driveway. The driver got out and flashed a badge at me telling me that he was a Buffalo Detective. I asked him if anything was wrong and he said that there were reports of stolen merchandise in my house. I don’t have any stolen merchandise so I invited him in. He proceeded to write down all of the expensive electronics that I have and their model and serial numbers. He rifled around the rest of my stuff for a while and then told me that everything checks out. weird.

2/10 I know. Something had to be done though.



this had potential

<or=to 2/10

You do better then. It was all i could think of on the spot.

This is a joke right?

dude how did u hit an L instead of an N

edit: you’re gonna get robbed lol
edit2: did u get his name?
edit3: 2 parody threads, really?

  1. What are you talking about L instead of an N
  2. yes two parody threads. They will probably not make it to the new board so who cares. Oh and MODS AND ADMIN DO WHAT WE WANT

shouldnt… Does this SOULD shady be, does this SOUND shady?

lol pwnt


god damn monkey.

you are 100% an idiot

Next time you think its going to be cool to do that, if he was to call the real cops on himself for being a fake cop while walking around your house and gave them your address and his license plate, you will go to jail no questions asked for saying he is a cop impersonating a cop.

People are becoming so dumb it amazes me.


MPD is the WINNER!!!

the fuck…? I don’t even understand this

nevermind, i got it when i read the other thread.

+karma as well.

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