Unmarked Cop Question

This past Saturday, my mom got home from Grocery shopping. It was mid day. She was getting groceries out of her car when she looked up and saw that an unmarked cop car was parked behind her in our driveway. She said the cop (in uniform) got out and came up to her and told her that she had sped in to locatations on the way home when he was following her. So, he asked for a “valid” license from her. She showed him. He looked at it and then handed it back and asked her to promise not to speed anymore. She said yes. Then he’s like, have a nice day and she said the same. He hoped in the car and took off. So the thing is, I live in the country(town of Amsterdam). The only police if you see any are usually troopers, once in a while. Maybe a sheriff if and accident happens on the road, but rarely ever. I’ve heard that only city and village police can pull over a person or even approach a person, I don’t know how true it is, though. The other thing, my mom doesn’t know cars, but said it looked like an older car. The lights were behind the grill, no siren. And the car was completely red. I’m wondering if this might’ve been someone faking being a cop, to try pulling something on someone.(Rapist, thief, etc.) I’ve read a few things this week on this happening on back roads late a night in rural places. But like I said, it was mid day. So does this guy sound legit or not. Also, my dad and I were home with the vehicles in the yard, but down in the back yard doing yard work. Never saw or heard a thing. The cop/guy could’ve seen the vehicles and figured other people are around, better get out of there. Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts are, if I’m going to have to keep an eye out for a fake.

Nah sounds totally legit, no worries.

i call b.s…and why the fuck would only a villiage or city police officer be allowed to approach someone? unless i read that wrong

Yea I’d be calling the station on that one. Call the local department and ask. Last thing they want is some jackoff driving around a crown vic he bought at an auction impersonating an officer.

Just saw your post on ride ny.

Tell you mom to ask to see badge and verfiy badge number if it happens again, better safe than sorry.

I don’t know for sure. That is why I’m asking. I once heard that troopers and sheriffs can’t pull you over in an unmarked car. Only city/village police inside the city limits.

I thought about calling the Sheriffs office about it. But then you’re giving your name and address out, which I really don’t want. Nor do I want them patrolling the neighborhood and harrassing neighbors either. I already told a bunch of neighbors so they can keep an eye out.

I figure I’m going to leave a Dunkin’ Donuts coffee and a bag of fresh donuts at the end of the driveway and see if I can lure that little piggy back. Maybe get some answers. :slight_smile:

Sounds sketchy

She didn’t get it. And she really didn’t remember seeing a number on the badge. Which started making her wonder. She didn’t get any tickets.

I wonder where that line is. I mean, she was home on her own property. The guy caught her for speeding twice. But didn’t do anything? Then pulls in behind her in the drive way to confront her about it. Just pull her over when you caught her speeding 5 miles away from home. So then I think she was being followed home.

Luckily it wasn’t me. I’ve always been good, quiet and respectful. But the past couple of times I’ve had to deal with cops, they had a mightier than thou attitude with me, for no reason. And treated me like I was a criminal from the start. When at home on my own property, I carry that same attitude, only it’s 10 fold. I would’ve told him I think he might’ve had the wrong guy and politely asked him to leave. Any more than that and he’s tresspassing, and of course, my nice guy attitude goes downhill in a hurry.

Call the sheriff’s dept. and local PD’s right now and verify that.


wow that doesn’t sound too legit…

but then again… ive had marked sheriffs follow come up my driveway to ask for license before

and they’ve done the same thing to my mom when she was shopping…but once again,it was a marked cruiser

EDIT: Here’s a site with pictures of many fire/ems/police vehicles…don’t have time to check what they have for amsterdam…but its a cool website

shit ton of NYS police vehicles >> http://www.10-75.net/apparatus/ny/state/nysp/apparatus.htm

A lot of red flags here:

One: Why would he pull her over in her driveway for speeding when he supposedly had the chance to do it twice in the first place?
Two: Why would he go through the trouble of pulling her over in her own driveway and not give her an official ticket. Rather he made her “promise” never to speed again.
Three: By your above story, he did not run the license, he only looked at it. What could he possibly gain by looking at her license but not actually running it?
Four: He was in an unmarked, older, red car with no lights, other than in the grill.
Five: His badge did not appear to have any number on it which any legal badge would have.

Call it in now.

call already

do iiittt

Seems really strange. I dont see the point in doing what he did if it was in fact a real cop.

Ive never seen a red unmarked car. Theyre almost always white, gray, blue or black.

BTW why is this in the bikes section?

is mom hot ? cant blame the guy for havin no nuts and used a decoy to see her up close

tell us what happens

You don’t have to pull over for unmarked police cars, probably why he didn’t try and pull her over (because of the whole impersonation of officers thing)… He could have been following her waiting for a marked to come up and pull her over…

Cops drive around in allll sorts of unmarked cars… My friends father used to drive around in a dark red/maroon Lumina back in the day…

And, it doesn’t matter that she was in town limits… Sheriffs have district in the county, troopers have jurisdiction in well, the state. Period. Sheriffs don’t have jurisdiction on State highways though, I think?

thats what i thought until i saw schenectady county sherrifs with a speed trap setup on i88 not too long ago.

I know in our town, its a silver Taurus, because hes my landlord. But this story still sounds a bit whack.

LOL, 10-75.net is run by a good friend of mine, known him since middle school