does VW offer a diesel motor

in any of their 4 motion platforms?

i want a diesel, would love a jetta wagon or even passat, but it seems the only 4 motion wagon they have is the passat and i can only get that with a v6 or v8. the idea is to save on mileage here and have enough room for the dog (great dane)

i thought about going the 1.8t route but still diesel is first choice.

not in the states :mad: if a 4 motion TDI was available, i could go down to owning one car… or have the 4mo knocker and maybe an e30?

If they did I would have bought one of those instead of a WRX. :frowning:

damn…ok well i am leaning towards a fwd jetta wagon of fury then…

A TDI is one of the best moves you will ever make. I was falling off the VW bandwagon (or should i say bandwagen) that i have been on since i was about 3 years old until i got my diesel.

Diesel = The only way i will own another VW

i have been looking for a while… get ready to spend $$ and travel to get it.

you know i havent had that much trouble. i dont mind traveling (i found a nice one in colorado on ebay) but the prices dont seem too bad

how picky are you looking?

i want a pimp-sat wagon or jetta wagon with low miles, and the works. i.e leather, auto, sun roof.

but if you dont need/ want that then your set.

will the diesel bolt up to the 4motion tranny? R20, here I come!

not picky at all. standard equip is pretty good for where i am coming from (base legacy wagon)

and since it is mainly for dog use…cloth interior is great.

this isnt a pimp wagon, just a work horse for me. i wont let the pooch in the s4 anymore

Trailer :gotme:? might be cold in the winter. I can not wait to hear the story behind that… the next time i see you.

If i had the loot i would have the golf and put the esteeye away for the winter, but axis spins>a perfect paintjob. Since its subaru paint its all gonna fall off anyway.


It already is :frowning:

Thats funny you mention that. I did see a pair of chocolate labs in a cage on a trailer next to a ATV this weekend, in orchard park.

Im still waiting for Ford to import its V6 Powerstroke in a Ranger. which they have in Europe.

Has anyone noticed the new Decals on the Diesel pumps with a change in 2007 to diesel engines? I noticed it at the pumps and it dosent make sense to me.

TDi’s suck.

what now?