Does your 240 have this??

Today i was working on my car power antenna and i stuck my hand way up the side and i felt a sponge …loosey sitting there so…i pulled it out i am not sure if its supposed to be there for sound reasons or it wasnt held in by anything…what is going on lol …maybe from undercoating ? cause its full of the oil spray… anyways …anyone elese have this square sponge in there car ? haha…

I know people find stuff down the bottom of the car…my friend found a tub of wax and some other stuff in his 240…maybe look in yours never know what you will find! haha

I found many of those all in the 1/4 panels. :S no idea what their essentially for.

I found a bag of chips and a bottle of sprite in my rear 1/4’s.

Nice gift from the past owner.:slight_smile:

P.S I also found those in there as well.

yup i have thm as well lol

i dont have any…probably taken out from the previoius owner

haha i had those. until i started to weld and realized something burning :)…

extinguisher is my new best friend.

~ Justin

found a can of compressed air and a tire iron in one of my old 240s

-mcdonalds cup
-Bunch of other fast food stuff
-female hair (ew)
-two cds that slipped into the dash by someone being stupid not able to insert properly into cd player (how strange)
-two cds in cd tray thing
-cd tray thing
-cables and stuff from old amp woofer setup of previous owner
-A moulded piece of fiberglass of some sorts in trunk (no it wasnt used to repair nothing it was just literally in there I insepected the trunk thorugouly)

Plenty other stuff i forget.

I’ve only found a bag of weed and condoms in my car.

they are there for only.,… and ONLY the jdm Tite

I had them as well… no clue why they are there…

Maybe they absorb water when it rains and shit, and thats what causes so much rust on these cars :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe those are to dampen the vibrations between panels???
on newer cars they have similar stuffs for absorbing/transfer impacts forces…

i found a bottle of female shampoo from 91 jammed up there, i saw it tru the rust when i was looking for my sending unit lines. also found, a 8mb memory stick, keys to a safe (hahaha) countless change, CAA card from 93, 95 and 98, a couple razors, about 5 golf tees, (i found them in both my 2cond 240 and my 3d… wired) a shoe polishing brush, fast food wrappings, some tire chucks way back there and a few lighters. And I don’t know where it came from but an ass load of rust in all my cars… wired. I think that’s about it

Found 4$ in change under my carpet, some busted up ring, a 12mm combo wrench stuck in between my brake hardlines and the firewall.

Thats about it.

I ripped off my speaker rear speaker covers and found 2 bingo stampers! Gangster sh!t

hey matt can i have my money back

hey id like to comment on this

i found this tearin apart my my 240 behind the back seat

and this is found in my sr front clip

the second slip is from the auction. Do they sell front clips at auctions in japan??

or, someone bought the car at an auction, crashed it and that’s how you got your clip, LOL
Either way, it was cheap as hell… 1200 bucks

cheap but still runs like a dreammmmm :slight_smile: