Dog Lovers, I have some questions (Rott, Doberman, Boxer, etc)

I would say it’s at least worth it to go over and meet the dog and see the situation for yourself.

2 hour drive later… lol (i’ll drive it, no worries)

---------- Post added at 11:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 AM ----------

if not the dog will most likely end up in a rescue situation… i’ll go check her out.

will, don’t act like you have ANYTHING better to do LOL

my gf’s dog, old english brindle bulldog-

her 5 year old nephew tugs his ears, accidentally hits him with a hockey stick, ect. no reaction from the dog. the only time ive ever heard him growl was when he was sleeping on our bed at her parents house, and she woke him up. he refused to move so my gf started tugging at his collar. he didnt like that. he growled, then got up, and sulked out of the room.

awesome dog!! although, rips dad did have to be put down because he killed a cow… i shit you not…

Get a golden retriever or a weimaraner. Something active and fun with a good temperament. Why do you need a guard dog? I highly doubt you live in a rough neighborhood and need a rott to guard your stash.

This just came to mind. All the boxers have sesitive stomaches. they get horrible gas, like clear the room wake you up in the middle of the night gas.

Definitely not an english bulldog. May be a bulldog mix or an american bulldog. Sounds like a great temperament though!

I have had multiple personal experiences with dogs that were legitimately “perfect” dogs for 10+ years that resulted in injuries.

Any animal can do anything, at any time, regardless of its past behavior or upbringing.

You increase the odds with certain breeds.

Am I saying that all pits are murderdogs? No.

Riding in a car is going to be safer than on a motorcycle… is everyone on a bike going to die?

I just get irked a bit when people so aggressively promote aggressive breeds, and ignore the facts. They can be great pets, but there IS a higher risk.


On an unrelated note, I don’t get the “guard dog” mentality. Any dog that is actually going to disable an intruder is not going to be socialized well enough to be a family dog without worry.


as context, I grew up with huskies, and you frequently see them on the aggressive dog lists:shrug

where are you sourcing your facts from? because it doesnt realy sound like you know what your talking about and if you have had soo many bad personal encounters with so called good dogs then maybe the dogs arent the problem. A dog is only as good as its upbringing. I was severely injured by a very aggressive husky that my family owned, i can honestly say it was our fault it behaved so badly, i am NOT afraid of husky’s though, good dogs have good owners. we screwed up and learned from our mistakes.

made one last call to confirm going to see the lady with the rottweiler, she said she changed her mind, shes bringing the dog with her.

I’m bummed. (i had even called the dogs vet and had records faxed) :frowning:


That’s rich. My stories aren’t going to be any more convincing than yours. And personal doesn’t mean it happened to me, or one person. I can think of three off the top of my head.

I hardly see how saying “Yea, great dogs, just don’t look at them funny” helps your argument?

I would agree that its not the dog’s fault it’s an animal, that isn’t what I said. I said it is stupid not to respect the fact that it is a dog and understand that certain breeds are more pre-disposed to aggressive behavior. It is also irresponsible to overly promote breeds that are aggressive, ESPECIALLY when it comes from a rescue.

It is your family, friends and liability, not mine, so do what you want. I wasn’t telling anyone they couldn’t own a pit of cobras, just that it seems like a rather unintelligent decision.

from my experience I tend to believe that it’s how dogs are treated / socialized during the very critical 10 weeks old to 6 months old window that will determine what we call their personality. Any dog can be worked with, but if you don’t get them started off right it’s 1000000x more work to correct later.

Come back to WNY and get a dog from Joyful Rescues. (It’s where my dog came from.) Looks like they’ve got a litter of Shepherd/Lab mixes right now! Among a whole bunch of other dogs…

---------- Post added at 01:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 PM ----------

Or how about a border collie/newfie mix so you can have a dog that’s bigger AND smarter than you! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s awesome. I’ve only even heard of them because I came across them looking for dogs that look like my mutt. How’s its temperment?

^ called him, didnt feel to secure with his “breeding” answers lol.

$400 is cheap for a pure bread, but I dont want to have to drive, spend the money, train, etc when there are more local options for “pay for” puppies.

My BFF …well until 14-15ish hopefully

I liked dogs till I got this

He’s badass!

She’s got some issues due to when she was a puppy and not socializing her enough when she was young.

Otherwise, she’s skittish around noises (due to socialization), and leary of people until she get to know them and as long as I have a good reaction to them. She’s VERY pack orientated and very family/pack hierarchy driven. My wife and I have no problems controlling her and she’s great around us. If we’re in public she’s leary of other people and will sniff them, but she doesn’t let strangers/new people pet her, she will hide behind me or walk away. At the house she is very protective of the house, and until she knows you and cleared it with me (by my reaction to the person) she’s very very protective. once she knows you, she just wants attention like crazy. She’s also BRILLIANT; Learns commands very easily and quickly, figures things out on her own all the time.

Overall she’s a good dog. She’s got mild issues that were caused by me/my-ex when she was young and I take full responsibility for it. I know her body language and can defuse just about any situation with her; most of it is her getting scared though and having to calm her down.

My only concerns are once my Son arrives in August how she’s going to be around him and other kids. My lab is perfectly fine around anyone, so I’m hoping she’ll take clues off him. We’ve already got all the furniture set up, clothes, scents, etc; and are starting to play baby crying noises and such. I personally think she’s going to be ok; and end up being his “protector” because that’s what she’s already doing with my wife.
