Dog Lovers, I have some questions (Rott, Doberman, Boxer, etc)


I got one. He’s handsome.


who ever said “dont look at them funny”? i have yet to come in contact with a pitbull that i wasnt able to grab by the ears and show dominance against. comparing them to a pit of cobras is another stupid analogy. Its a shame that the reason these dogs are known as being “aggressive” is because they are a very strong breed and a certian demagraphic picks them for fighting and illegal activities. I have came in contact with aggressive shephards and aggressive Labs and that was just in the training classes that i attended with my own dogs. Please educate yourself with facts before claiming one breed is more aggressive then another when its clearly just opinionated.

The facts are in the numbers of attacks man. Its definitely true that pitbulls are more predisposed to aggression. Behavior breeds behavior, and dogs breed characteristics VERY fast compared to other animals. Poor breeding habits have really tainted the breed. Remember too that dog fighting is more previlant in the south than it is in NY.

Haven’t found an appropriate name yet… his previous name was moe, hes 7 months old, 53 lbs, pure bread boxer…

he got tired… so we brought him to the bar…

So awesome dude. Congrats!

He opens doors… and lets himself into my bedroom, office, etc…

He’s pretty awesome, i just need to secure the house lol.

I cant think of a GREAT name… I was thinking financial names… like “cash, dollar, benjamin, etc…”

Diesel and Moe. they dont work well. AND hes not really a MOE.

i hate this

I wanted to name my dog rowdy, like the stuffed dog on the show scrubs


Poor thing. He must get a lot of yeast infections.

:tup: You like this.

And per the Insurance Industry of America… what is the Dog Breed with the MOST attacks (not deaths, but attacks) on people?

Anyone know without looking it up? It’s not what you think…

I’ll post the results if no one gets it, or confirm it once someone does.

What’s an attack?

Small dogs are the most aggressive and nippy, but they don’t really do much harm so I doubt there is a lot of statistical evidence.

REPORTED attacks is key, here. That’s a very poor way of determining if a dog breed is predisposed to aggressive behavior.

And let’s not forget the differences between dog aggression, stranger aggression, etc. Pit Bulls were originally bred to be wonderful with people. They were called ‘Nanny Dogs’ for a reason. Unfortunately a bunch of idiots saw their potential to fight other dogs and capitalized on that.

Back on topic, what a handsome Boxer! What about the name Buck?

Damnit bread

Yeah I’d probably say one of those little yipper dogs.

thats a very handsome puppy you got there willybean, looks like he is going to drool everywhere. lol

Attack meaning trip to the hospital is required.

And Copperlegend I’ll tell you it’s not what you’re thinking!

Willybeen - agree with everyone else, awesome choice!