Dog Shot while fighting with another dog

double post


i agree with this any dog smaller that a pit would have been seriously hurt or killed if it was actually attacking. and a bigger dog like lets say a rottie or a lab would be able to.defend himself. i have a feeling the guy seen a pit playing and instantly shot himbecause he is infact a pitbull and there" so mean horrible baby killers", yea right blowme

The other possibility is that the pit went onto the neighbor’s property, the neighbor’s dog became territorial (as most dogs are) and attacked the pit. The pit then defended itself non-lethally (because if it really wanted to harm the other dog it easily could have). Without all the details nobody will ever know but you can’t just jump to blaming the owner or the pit.

sometimes when you’re caught up in the moment you only have a few seconds to make a choice and this guy decided to shoot the dog, or watch his dog(s) get killed

But lets be real, my dog got loose before and was gone for 3 days. If I found out that some dude shot him, I’d kick his teeth in. It’s really a tough situation to be in, but I don’t think the guy made the right decision based on the story. But, Singh is right – he was caught up in the moment and probably just did it out of haste.

I agree… I’m not saying either person is right or wrong. It was a shitty situation for all involved. I just don’t personally think that shooting the dog was necessarily the best choice.

shoulda shot the fucking neighbor.


Better option is better.

My g.f. Has a 12 lb miniature poodle, which is always on a leash. If a dog of larger size started attacking her on my own property u best believe i’m gonna kill the other dog before it has half a chance to attack her let along actually get to her. Dogs arent to be left outside on thir own without some sort of supervision. There just like kids and can become a liaability, so get your head out of your ass and keepyour dogs leashed ethered, and supervised. If You want a dog then be a fucking adult and except their responsibility.

I had 2 dogs get free from their cage, are you saying that I’m an irresponsible child? The scenario your are painting will never happen, I promise that you wouldn’t have enough balls to end a dogs life. Speaking of poodles, my mother-in-law had her miniature poodle ravaged by the neighbors rottie. She lost her leg to it, guess how we ended that one? We pinned the rottie and no one was hurt. The dog got mauled, but I didn’t waste my time trying to find a shotgun to break it up – actually, that would never even cross my mind.

Don’t be a tool.

Save it meathead, no problem offing a dog if its attacking someone\something i loved. You irresponsible, because you have a problem with me protecting my family and property. Fuck off sunshine

And is the poodle now fuct? Of course it is dumbass

This is why i dont come here, speak your mind and someone wants to play mr righteous.
P.S. u clearly dont know who i am

That’s ridiculous to say. If a dog attacked my dog and was obviously winning, I would at least beat the shit out of it or pump it full of lead. No question about it.

My dog I had when I was a kid wouldn’t leave my fucking side, and I had to kick her in the ass to even go in the backyard to shit without me. All of these dogs that take off, run wild and other BS is the owners responsibility. I got the cops called on me when I was younger because my dog protected me while on a LEASH from another dog who was running the streets freely… This isn’t Uganda.


i would only shoot a dog if it was last option but im 100% positive i can stop.any dog before it gets to that point

This isn’t entirely true. My dog was a demo dog when I was a trainer and therefore she had to obviously be top notch with her own training… which included passing the AKC Good Citizen test (not easy… one single mistake and you fail). And even with all that training she has gotten loose before. At my dads house she actually managed to jump up on the door one day and opened it (was the lever style door knob). Then went outside and roamed the streets for a few hours while I wasn’t home.

Sometimes shit does happen and a dog always has that curiousity that you will never get rid of.