Dont drive on the ice V. Irondequait Bay....

Man…how long is this kid gonna be a cocky fucktard?

however…that Lia Lando is a definetly Hot Ms. Spears look alike on the rochester news! :pimp:

holy shit, looks like it went through a giant salad shooter

Now the stuntriders site is suggesting he shouldn’t pay the bill because the recovery guys damaged the truck so much.


This the mentality I’m talking about. Fucking idiots. First you’re an asshat and drive your truck into the drink, then all the other tow companies tell you to go fuck yourself and one company feels sorry for you and helps you out, now you want to fuck them.

This is why you can’t be nice to people. They should have left his dumb cocky ass high and dry and let the DEC handle it. He has no idea how fortunate he is despite his stupidity.

then maybe he should have gotten friends together and done it himself

or maybe he should have just left it, and told the DEC to go fuck themselves

A. Good luck telling the DEC to just go fuck off…

B… his friends did help…

a) obviously that was the point of my remark, he had to get the truck out ASAP … cant leave a vehical full of gas and oil to rust away in a lake

b) i ment him and friends should have done ALL the work themselves… but ovbiously if they had to hire a tow truck, his circle of friends was incapable of doing it alone

This may have just got a bit more interesting.


As if it was salvagable after two days of sitting in the frozen waters of the bay?


Partable? Absolutely.


Someone NEEDS to PS that into a “Jim’s Towing - we CARE about Your vehicle” advertisement.


BJ’s Odd Jobs… haha

I cannot believe I never posted in this thread! good think I didnt because I was definitely an internet noob at the time and would have been torn apart.

for those who dont know:
-geico covered everything and I am still with them. I figure I owe them that much
-no DEC fines or tickets from anyone.
-insurance didnt go up enough to notice.
-I am a lucky SOB

-It was my idea to try to use the roof to flip it on top of the ice, no one else knew what to try. I was there basically the whole time too since I couldnt just go about my life when it was potentially falling apart on the ice. I did stick my hand into the water to wrap a chain around the frame, that water was fucking cold, but the physics didnt work, it was trying to pull the blazer through the ice instead of on top of it.

We ended up cutting big chunks out of the ice that acted as a ramp to pull the Blazer on top of the ice.

The ice was thick enough to support a vehicle, in fact, there was circle track racing earlier that day. You could see the path they used. The problem was a huge stress crack that ran across the whole bay basically. It was fine to drive perpendicular across it, but when turning around to go back we drove with two wheels right on the crack at a low rate of speed. Thats what caused the ice to break, not the lack of thickness.

The water was only 2-3’ deep there, where you see it in the pics is the lowest it sank.

lol i thought this thread was the reason you joined

ha yea probably. I’m sure I would have ended up here either way. it was fate!

Great bump… great THING* you posted lol

I’m calling geico

I love that you bumped a thread calling you every name in the book. Well played. What was the bill to get the truck out of the water?

Ha, its only the internet!

I believe the tow company charged $5k.

does road size cover this? hahaha

Bump. Update the pic links pls

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was talking about this with a florida friend, i want to share the pics of it being pulled out. PLS.