Dont drive on the ice V. Irondequait Bay....

If it was an accident then why wouldn’t they cover it??!?!?! I am failing to see why they wouldnt?


If he was driving down the road, lost control, and plunged into the bay, yes, that is something insurance would cover. It’s an accident and you were operating your vehicle on a road, doing what you’re supposed to, and you fucked up. Maybe you were speeding, but in any event, you only ended up in an insurance “forbidden zone” like the middle of a lake because you left the highway against your choice. If they prove you were speeding they will raise your rates, and maybe drop you, but they have to pay for your damages.

When you drive down a boat ramp and in full control of your vehicle drive out onto the bay, insurance stops. The moment your front wheels leave the pavement of the boat ramp you have no insurance. It doesn’t matter if the lake has 3 feet of ice and is completely safe, but you find a warm spot and fall through, your insurance still isn’t going to cover you.

Same thing if you go to a track and flip your car. Sure, the flipping was an accident, but you were on a racetrack, which is another violation of most policies. In that case some policies have an exception to the exception in the case of it being a “driving school”.

NY has a no exclusion clause for insurance. They cannot deny your claim if you are driving off road or on a race track. I was trying change my charger over to my daytona’s policy. Both are collector car policies through different companies. They asked me if I raced it and I said occasionally. They denied me even after I said that I would race my SRT instead. I asked if I could sign a wavier excluding coverage while at the track. He said no because NY would not allow it. He also said that if I lied and said I did not race it and tried to file a claim for racing damages they would have to pay it but then would bring me up on insurance fraud.

Interesting, note to self. Insurance is a bunch of shit.

and Nikuk, I appreciate the “are you fucking retarded” post :slight_smile: I still don’t know how I didn’t comprehend after even typing it myself haha.

As for NY being some sort of “No exclusions” state, I’d like to see some proof of that. I pulled my Geico policy out of the filing cabinet. There are several exclusions in there, including “racing” and “organized speed test” that I found right away. I’m missing quite a few pages and for some reason I can’t access the actual policy online. Considering they are the #1 auto insurance company in the state I find it hard to believe their policies violate NY law. It seems a lot more likely that some classic car insurance company with maybe a couple thousand policies in the entire state might have their information incorrect.

People seem to forget that insurance is a CONTRACT FOR SERVICE. Contracts that heavily favor protecting the company from sheer stupidty.

You want to buy a rider for roll racing, mention to a sales rep., the large national brands won’t bite, but look hard enough and I’m sure You can. However, You will PAY dearly for said riders.


:lol: :tup:

insurance companies dont like to ensure track vehicals because if your on a track and plow into someone else, that other person can sue your insurance company

they might not have to pay for your vehical, but they might wind up having to pay a million dollars for someone elses dead father/ brother / sister

Speaking from experience here. My track car is covered for road use and non timed events. So it’s not covered for actual racing, time attacks, or SCCA events.

According to the stuntfactoryx website, the truck’s out now. Looking/waiting for pics/vids…

Wow, it looks like the tow company was trying to wreck the truck…

No they can’t, that is the whole prupose of the sanctioning body to insure against such lawsuits. Now on my homeowner’s policy I am insured up to $1,000,000 per incident, that is like saying if I injured someone in a track accident and they can try and come sue me (which they can’t). So you are saying people are only interested in car liability and not personal?

And yes you can insure your car for racing and time event, but you will be paying out the ass. Something along the lines of 10-20% of the agreed value, per event.

I saw last night that they got it out, and the stuntriders site said someone was on their way to get video. Hopefully we’ll get some good shots of what remains of the blazer.

Wow that blazer looks beyond wrecked.


As if it was salvagable after two days of sitting in the frozen waters of the bay?

points and laughs! ahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha :rofl: x 1,000,000,000,000. id love to see that kids face now

:eek: Holy shit, FUBAR…

Someone NEEDS to PS that into a “Jim’s Towing - we CARE about Your vehicle” advertisement.

It was a total loss as soon as water got inside anyways…