Dont point RPGs at marines

Boom headshot!

stolen from the kind fellows over at

wow, fucked up when he gets head shot his whole body goes limp.

his body doesn’t go limp.

watch his arm.




what no high-res? j/k

Thats why i only aim my RPG at boxes full of kittens.

pretty sure that was a coax gun off an M1A2 tank and it was army … if its the vid i’m thinking of. can’t play it though …

is this the one with the nice pink mist? where the round skips off the ground and nails him in the head?

something definitely bounces of the ground…

kk yeah i know this vid … it is army … it is from a coaxle gun from an abrams … kind of a 240D 7.62 machine gun (for all you military buffs) … almost like the M60 from rambo except modernized

Are you saying this video is somehow linked to rambo>!!>!?!?

hoo ra!!

i thinkt he round comes from infront of him and goes thru him and hits the ground, but idk

Say hello to your virgins, retard.

HAHA I laughed at both of these. Well done.

Video is old. But I still laugh everytime I see it.

I remember seeing this vid like last year. Great vid and it is the Army,HOOAH!



ive seen that in high res.

i find it almost disturbing the number of graphic pics / videos that are taken by military personnel. My brother in law is an ex-marine (currently on independant contractor assignment in Baghdad) and he has hundreds of pics of blown up people, dead people, body parts, and other gruesome things that he saw while he was on tour during the fall of Saddam.