Double meet for the 16th and 17th


We will all be wearing out matching 1st try shirts.

can’t wait :hsdance:
4 days and counting down

I’ll be there.

ill trailor it down there w/o a bumper and tell all those bishes it is a JDM mustang that isnt street legal so i gotta trailer it to the drift events

I defintely won’t be there

It’s a movie !!! Not a damn sporting event or concert :rolleyes:

cant wait to see you there cheeks!.. ill be over to pick you up on friday.


I can see cheeks house from my apartment its kind of scary.

fast n furious = teh ghey

pffff…coming from the guy w/ racing stripes on a neon? Get over it

I wondered why you had a telescope and video camera in your window…

I will not be there… darn… I’m so sorry I can’t make it. :rolleyes:

I can’t wait to go around a bend in the rain in a month or two and get hit by some kid trying to drift around that same bend… ‘woot’

Donno if i can make it saturday or not, old friend from HS’s wedding. IF I get out a reasonable time and i can convince marge to go I might come down. Sunday might be up for the cook out, but im trying to get this downpipe installed sunday.

:rofl: wtf its not like i put them on there


A bunch of you guys are drama queens! We are doing this meet cause it is a movie “about cars” !!! I figured other car people would want to go. We did the same thing way back when “Gone in 60 Seconds” came out. If you are comming … i will see you there, if not…keep you negative comments to yourself and fine another post to ruin. Forums are supposed to be for help and support, so if you are doing anything but that, please dont post!!!

Again… Back on topic!!! Copy the list of names, then add yours if you are attending and paste it in the new post so i have an idea of haw many people to look for down there.


i wont be there.


what time are you going to see the movie?

7:00 pm | 8:00 pm | 9:10 pm | 10:15 pm | 11:30 pm