Drag racing crash on Transit last night

:word: :eyebrow:

check the buff news article. it says 2002 mustang


Two witnesses told police that they saw the Mustang stopped at a red light at Transit and William, in the driving lane and next to another car, which was in the passing lane. One witness said the other car was a small black car, possibly a Dodge Neon.


R.I.P Mark & Mel :frowning: - To many people dieing, so hard to keep dealing with it :frowning:

Sorry about your loss to those that know them.

Did they have accounts on here?

i hate to say it, but :word:

Racing down transit is a dumb fucking thing to do in any case.

There are a few black neons on this site… :eyebrow:


wow…what a horrible thing. people need to be more careful.

Confirmed it was a 2002 Mustang from the Buffalo News article Viper posted.

And damn…

The force of the impact with the utility pole ejected both occupants from the vehicle. The driver apparently was wearing a seatbelt, because investigators found the end of the belt still buckled into its receiver. They don’t know whether the woman was wearing hers.

other than the article, the underbody shot, the exhaust looks like that of a mustang with the h pipe, and the shitty stamped steel front control arms.

Wow, that sucks.

Yea, I was wondering what it takes to rip a seatbelt…

I know the mounting hardware is generally like grade 8 (at least in foxes) too…

I’m on that stretch of Transit all the time. I’m glad this guy didn’t kill any random people.

Another reason I am ashamed of the times in my past I did street race. Gladly I grew out of it rather quickly.

Not to be gory, but I’m actually surprised that the body ripped the seatbelt and not the other way around.

not to be an asshole…

but true, and people don’t fucking learn…

:word: Is it really that hard to keep it to the track ? I’m fairly certain if any of you crashed into my wife killing her, or someone else in my family while you were street racing I’d go away for 25+ years.

how fast do you have to be goign to rip a car in half?

I just don’t get it.

i’m going to guess, at least double, if not triple the speed limit on transit rd.


i wonder how fast you’d have to be going for that to happen?

p.s.-possible lawsuit against Ford, or the seatbelt manufacturer because of seatbelt failure? :gotme: