DRAMA= purestock240

Here’s what happened.

We go check out this shell.
It’s missing a door handle and the interior is a mess (But the steering column is still intact). Guy says it has a VLSD. Look under the car. And there’s the pumpkin.
Anyways. he says he’ll have everything cleaned up and sorted out (Door handles)
We tell him we’ll be by the next weekend. Which was just over a week at that time.

The next weekend rolls around. He’s not there to meet us. So we’re like whatever. We’ll just tow it. Like he told us to.
We notice the door handle still hasn’t been addressed… Whatever. just a door handle.
Anyways. Tow truck arrives (After waiting for what seemed like 2 hours).
tow trucker hooks it up. Starts reeling pulling towards the flat bed.

WTF? We try to turn the wheels… Where the fuck is the steering column? Oh it’s in the back hatch… Along with 90% of everything else…

Then he starts reeling it UP the flat bed…

In the end. We called him once or twice (With no answer) but didn’t really bother pursuing it after that…

I never bothered to write anything about it other than some neg feedback on iTrader. And a few quick PM’s
But after reading this I got rather angry…

We still haven’t received any of the items taken off the car…