DrDOS versus LZ (from the sightings thread)

So you live at home…

Got banned from strip clubs for stalking strippers

Failed at web design

Failed at SEO

Make creepy youtube vids

Anything else?

Ok now you crossed the line.

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 PM ----------

Alright Justin at the end of the day I’m still smiling - because you know what? I’m not a balding 20 year old who is engaged to a woman who has a daughter with someone else… It must suck waking up every morning knowing that you are raising someone else’s kid. Doesn’t it Sherman? Does she even know that you are not her real father? But you know what I’m glad it’s that way. Because then I know you won’t be reproducing. We don’t need another seed of yours in this world.

Go fuck your self you worthless piece of shit. Let me know when you buy a 335i lol.


You were dating the busted stripper and posting pics of you and her kid on facebook retard

Did you even think before you wrote that comment? lol

Go back to your parents basement and come up with something better.

That busted stripper is still better looking then your busted girl friend soon to be wife…

Go do the world a favor and take that ak47 you just bought and blow your head off.

ding ding.

So do you see the issue with your last argument?

You were hanging out with a stripper who has evil cunt tattoed on her stomach and spending all kinds of time with her daughter…

So now we moved onto if GF is ugly? lol thats the best you have?

Congrats bro you got a used 335i while living at your parents after driving around in your parents maxima for the past 5 years.

When keeping it real goes wrong…

Lol you’re fucking clueless. See the difference is I am not getting married to that busted stripper while you are. Have fun with raising someone else’s kid.

Congrats bro you finally sold your fbody that says sitting on jack stands for years and didn’t even take it to the track, so you post up on your Facebook the times. Lol.

I’m pretty sure you got laughed off the forum a few years ago.

Not really sure why your back things didn’t change.

Just when I thought people on NYSpeed were finally starting to grow up… LOL yeah right!

Lol. Post pics of girls plz.

I pretty sure I don’t give a fuck about this off topic community. And I’m pretty sure you got thrown over a hood of a car a few years ago.


So why are you posting again?

LA got boring moved back?

Hhahaha yes get your popcorn ready.

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 PM ----------

Cmon dude think of something new.

Oh what’s wrong? I see that you removed me from Facebook aww are you sad Sherman im gonna post up pics of your soon to be wife. Or your soon to be daughter looking like she is going to grow up and be a whore.

lol @ 19 users viewing this thread.

LZ got TOSSED like a red headed step child?

Lol yep I wonder if the video is still online.

YouTube it!

Key words would be bad azz z28