The dreams I do remember scare the shit out of me the morning after. I dont even do any drugs.
I once had a dream that Dennis Leary and I escaped from the cops in a car chase
I do drugs and do not dream but when I do they’re pretty mild.
Your logic is flawed Mr. Clark.
Actually the reasoning in your statement aligns with mine, Mr. Twat.
And that sounds frightfully boring.
The most f’d dream I can remember at the moment is one where I was sniping deer off the roof of our house. The deer were all white and could talk, but I didn’t care, I was just shooting them. A lot more happened in that dream than I care to type out on here but it was ULTRA realistic. At the end of the dream, I slipped and fell off the roof and woke up just as I hit the concrete sidewalk coming to our front door.
I scared the shit out of my girlfriend because apparently I jumped like 3 feet off the bed. It took me a few moments to realize it was just a dream lol.
you absolutely did not jump 3 ft off of your bed, liar.
if some of u guys could expierence how i dream it would scare u. when i dream, i dream in color, with sound and remember everything when i wake up. my dreams are very very vivid and real. i have been known to dream up inventions, wake up in the middle of the night and write them down. its not uncommon for me to wake up crying. no actual tears but me weeping. im also a very light sleeper which is weird. i have slept walked a few times as well but the weird part was i knew i was doing it but could not control anything that i was saying or doing. this one time i was sleeping but subcontiously i was trying to wake myself up. so i was trying to scream, until i let out a huge scream. my gf at the time saw the whole thing and was loling at me. sometimes i dream that im in love with a women that i know, wake up and am completly infatuated with her. like i cant get her off my mind. fucking scary man, i think i need help. :’(
smoke some chron, yo
I had a sweet dream last night. I went to a friends house to buy some weed, becasue a few days ago he told me about his hydro room he made. lol I must has stuck in my head
Anyway I get there and he digs into a pricechopper pastic bag and grams a hand full of perfectly shaped dime bags, I am talking little pocket sized pillows of weed, vacuum sealed little pouches with the type of weed professionally printed out on the top of each one. I was like you redneck fucker, thats some spiffy ass product you have here! hahahah They looked like those white plastic air filled pillow looking packages that the mints come in at the Chinese food restaurant. just a little bigger. hahaha i am still laffin in my head about how that all panned out.
But I have killer dreams, they are awesome and I remember them like they are written in a book. My memory kicks ass. I have some about banging some girly friends, sometimes I get a little creeped out in my head the next day when they come over or hang out hahahah, but i dont care they usually end up great in my dreams.
When i was little I used to have bad dreams about being chased around in a space like environment by a big ball rolling behind me trying to run me over, but I never could see the ball, it was all more like a feeling. It would creep the shit out of me.
I have crashed cars in my dreams and have graphic images of the aftermath that scare the shit out of me too.
dream analyzing is actually very intriguing if you look into some that you have.
Same here. I have a hell of an imagination! The only time i ever slept walked, was when i was reallllly hammered. I got outa bed walked about 10 feet and whipped my dick out and started peeing on the floor! lol In my head I was standing at a ureinal, MY gf woke up and was like wtf are you doing, and said I even had my hand up in the air like you would put it on the wall infront of you to brace your self, and I looked over my shoulder and said “nuthing just takin a pisse ill be right out!” hahahahahahhaahah
Deadbeat - I did have a dream once that I was drowning, but while I was drowning in my dream I was aware it was only a dream. I could feel myself breathing even though I was literally drowning in my dream. I kept pinching myself under water to wake myself up but it didn’t work. I was under water for what felt like the whole night before I woke up. Really fucked up.
I had a dream last night that Jammer took about 40 people hostage including me and my family…
I just had some crazy weird time travel dream
I had a dream last night that I was trying to hook up with a really hot black chick.
I had one the other night that I had a twin turbo nsx… veryyyy upsetting to wake up from