Ever get themost fucked up dreams?

Last night I drempt i was at a car show that only had full size, real life versions of the weird car drawings that were scrunched down with huge wheels that everyone had in there avitar a while back. So anyways im at this car show and this one car has a really huge scoope on the trunk, thinking its fake i put my hand in it when a ninja grabs it from inside the trunk, pulls me in and a band of ninjas proceed to woop my ass, when they let me out of the trunk I was driving on the highway in a new viper, Then i woke up.

Any one else have some really weird dreams??? Lol

I mostly have nightmares vere rarely will I get a good dream. Im so used to the nightmares they don’t even scare me anymore.
But one thing I do find fucked up, anytime I get injured or shot or killed in one of my nightmares I wake up with pain in the same location I was hurt in during the nightmare. There were even a few instances that I woke up with a brooze or a scratch. That’s F***** up huh?
But when I do dream it’s usually something real good, and when I know it’s a dream I do have the power to take over and do what I want. All I have to do is think it. If im having a dream and I realize it I can then take control and do what I want like fly or have a fast car or make a weapon apear in my hand etc. It’s awesome. Yeah dreams are good. I just hate it when I get those ones that I wake up and Im like WTF was that all about? or the ones you forget about by the time you wake up.
Oh yeah sometimes I have dreams that something funny happens and I wake up laughing my head off.

I once had a dream where I died earlier somehow and i was “re-living” the same life I had. I got to about 7 years old, and my family went out to a cottage area for vacation…

We were all swimming underneath a bridge, I had those little floaty things on my arms so i wouldnt drown… then all of a sudden a great white shark came out of nowhere and bit my neck.

My neck went totally numb in real life and everything faded to black, and I woke up.

I remember they said it’s a good sign if you die in your dream… I died TWICE in the same one!! BEAT THAT! lol. 8)

I had a dream where black people were treated the same as white people.

Only in a dream :rofl:

all the time and i love it :wink:

i had that dream too except i took pics, i’ll post them later when i get home :stuck_out_tongue:

as promised (just a little late)



People have way too much time on their hands to do something like that…

I told you. I took those in my dream!