Drift Tuners = Scam Scam Scam

Wow lol it won’t matter what I showed you would it?

ahh you guys beat me too it! lol

what did you show us? You showed a guy named Mart give your company a reference on a thread inwhich wasnt your but another guy who was selling a supra.

Thats not a testominial or is it proof. Show me some REAL hard pact evidence and then everyone will shut up including myself

Okay i got the answer to ALL DT issues!! bring your cars to bings meet! give it to me, then ill go around and say that " YO, the man came through on the deal and he a real business man" something like that!.. but on the real try and set up a thing where your customers submit feedback and you post it

for example:

Name: Jim Bob
Age: N/A
Location: Ontario/GTA

I bought this car from drifttuners and it great blah blah blah!

below what the customer said have the customer and car together for a pic and post it

get my meaning!?!?!

scam or not. the offer really has nothing for you to lose!!

you get the buyer…buyer and seller do their thing. you transfer $3,000 via pay pal…the car never comes…you get complete refund.

end of story.

every company has to start some where. with no credibility, no references nadda ting.

give it a break. because one day…every single one of us will or has been in kind of the same type of situation.

make sense?

Whether he sells cars or not isn’t the issue, it’s if he scams. and there has yet to be a customer step forward and prove this point.

Well, I do believe I brought that up in my short post. Then again; I’m not as informed on this company/individual as much as most of you are.

Yet, that is my opinion.

I personally just see a man fighting a never ending battle


this SCREAMS scam. Really whos gonna give away a free car. Right now in our economy who can afford to give away cars just like that

WAIT i just noticed something!!! how are you going to sell your business for 50G’s or whatever, but u are selling a car for 350,000! so if i buy the business i get that $$$$$ car??

it’s done anyways…he’s “leaving the forum and taking his content with him:)”

see his vendor section…http://www.son240sx.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=57

I don’t think the business physically owns the cars.

I think the idea is that drift-tuners is just an agent used to sell the car, as per the owners request.

Sort of like used equipment on consignment at a sports store.

Anyway, im definately leaning towards scam right now. After all the accusations, he should have pages of proof (feedback from customers, receipts, pictures) stating the contrary.

Ontop of all that, very unprofessional.

well that solves it.

^^ i dont see what u guys are seeing :frowning: like it opens but what am i missing

drift tuners deleted all his posts in his vendors section. I guess hes done being a vendor.\

Thread deleted by drifttuners
Reason: Leaving Forum and taking my content with me :slight_smile:

He deleted all his posts in his vendor section, packed up his “business” and is now gone.

I have to call you out sorry buddy. I will take it easy on you since you do not study the automotive business currently. Who could afford NOT to sell right now. Like I said in that thread it is the economy at the moment…Dealers are giving away FREE cars, brand new, for buying a car at MSRP. His deal was far from the best deal in the automotive market right now.

In the states you got a free Versa if you bought a 350Z fully loaded at MSRP. The car he would ship you cost him at most $500-$1000 TOTAL cost.

I have heard of many “scams” under this name but never had enough to call him out

i agree^^^

As being a salesman in the past for mazda! IN CANADA - no dealers are giving away cars, thats just crazy! the way things in well my dealer worked even it hard times we NEVER lost money! even now mazda is still selling at good pace ups and downs as usual in the sales game!

all this is from my own experiance so dont be all flame like :slight_smile: cause ill see whomever at bings meet evil laugh