what this article is saying, i’ve been saying for a year now.
Formula D is absolutely garbage. i wouldn’t watch it if i was paid to.
but thus is our world. someone takes notice of something, it catches on, becomes a fad, then dies out again. and for now, those of us who have been into drifting for a long time…we just have to save face, push through it and head for the light at the end of the tunnel. that light is when the fad dies out, and those of us who are hardcore into drifting will be the only ones left, and the media and ricers can all move on the the next fad, and we can stay and truly enjoy drifting once again.
as for right now, i try as hard as i can to not let most of it bother me. like i said i’ve been into drifting for some time now, so i’m not going to let the media and a bunch of idiots spoil for me what i’ve loved for so long.
the F&F3 thing irks me…but i can solve that by never watching it and completely ignoring the hype.
I think ID (drifting) just is just like General Lee (muscle cars)… its a craze that just dims and kills off the nobodies and all there is left are enthusist
to the people who already own 240s, just sit back and ride it, watch the value go up and enjoy the extra parts you’ll be comming accross this summer from smashed up 240s
I believe that by next summer(06), drifting wont be all the hype that it is now. It seems like nowadays if you own a 240 your deffinitly a drifter. Or so most people like to think. The part that bothers me the most is that i hear people at my work saying how they had there dad’s durango out last night and where doing some “sick drifts” in the snow , when all they do is one small slide . Oh well like many said after a while only the hardcore drifters will remain.
To this day, I’m still not interested in actively drifting my car, since I want it to last long. I’m obviously gonna try doing it once, but I didn’t buy this car for drifting at all.
I bought it, cause I think it looks sick, is reasonably cheap compared to the other cars I wanted (MR2, FD, NSX), and it can be quick enough for most things you run into out there. The only “hardcore” thing I actually want to get into with it is Solo (start with 2, move on to 1), because that kinda thing appeals to me. I realize a Miata would’ve been the better choice for that, but I didn’t want just a track car. I wanted a sick looking daily driver that I can take to the track in the summer when I feel like it.
As to the whole half naked girls in mags thing… Please! Since when are they being forced at gunpoint? Most of them love the attention, and I’m willing to bet the pay isn’t bad either.
Geez guys, all of you are crying about drifting being mainstream, wouldn’t it suck to live in Japan?! Every corner has a drifting dedicated shop, “S AAA TUNIN’”… Yet, all of you seem to love the fact that you can get the parts so much cheaper now that you used to be able to?
Those who have been around long enough think about this for a second. What was the only affordable suspension set-up for your 240 three years ago? Eibach’s and Koni’s or Tokico’s… Now you have affordable coilovers, readily available SR parts with no wait times, cheaper suspension pieces (like the ones that bing is selling). Engines did go up in price, however at least now when you buy an engine you’re guaranteed that it’ll work!
So what do you really hate about it?
Myself, I just don’t like exactly what Sasha stated, other than that, let it be mainstream, let more people get into it and do it, it’s fun. YOU DIDN’T INVENT IT, YOU DON’T HOLD PATENTS OR COPYRIGHT TO IT, you want it to be your private sport? well do what bob said, start lawn bowling and quit crying.
“Ohhh guys, SOLO 2 is sooo played out, it’s soo mainstream, every civic owner and their friend do it”
I am now 15 years of age im turning 16 end of feburary. Ive been searching for a 240sx for awhile now. I got to admit i fell in love with 240sx’s from the drift competition last summer at Mosport. it was so amazing but after awhile of being on SON ive realized that i dont just like 240sx because i saw people using then for drifting but i love them because of there style. I LOVE cars with pop up head lights. no offence to anybody but that sleepy eye lights i dont care for them 1 bit alot of people do that to look “pro drift” i love the 240sx lights the way they are but i admit i have followed the fad but realized that i actually love 240sx’s even if i cant drift.
You are a complete Idiot, and that goes for ‘roast’ as well.
This will be my last attempt at a good discussion. I will go back to the boards I got this from and discuss it. They have a really productive and insightfull discussion about the link. All SON does is rant, there are other directions of discussion from what you would like to see change, the positives the negatives for example. Its simple half of you guys just posted for sake of posting, congrats.
I’m not a fan of the real ones either, but I do admit that the fake ones are gay * 10^24
The only thing that makes the real ones okay, imo is that some of the tricks they do look pretty cool. I don’t quite care for the skater culture, but then again, I also don’t care for the thug, goth, gino, emo… You name it, I don’t care for it