DriftOps Driver Search hosted by DMCC

haha santi, you have your camera handy?

Yessirrr. Got at least two runs from everyone on video. (Might have missed a couple)

And some shots. I’ll grab some more footage and shots tomorrow, and probably make a vid.

Post post postttttttttttttttttttttt <3

PICTURE WHORE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS THREAD< or start a drift ops driver search pic thread.


ughh so who won!?!?!?

^ Chris St. John won, I think.

I don’t have shots of the AM comp. It’s all videos. I have about 60 short clips that I’ll edit into a dope video next week after Round 4 is over.

Chris St John came first, Curtis came second, Mike something came third (dope 350z all track car’d out) lol.

Peter came 4th, Chris budgell came 5th, I came 6th, 7th - can’t remember sorry, and Chris De La Cruz came 8th. Out of about 30 drivers the most consistent and ones able to gain the most points came out ontop.

All in all a SUPER fun day!

B-town 3 owns all! Lol


Good times :slight_smile: I’ll have in car video up tomorrow once I’m home and have a chance to capture it.

thank you wayne… had a blast wasnt out there to win just some much needed track time…

Yo i came 5th lol

lucas i think you came 7th

Yea I believe it was Lucas.

how are we all so confused lol

lol na man im 100% sure i am 5th …i was listening very close. peter 4th me 5th chris or martino 6th and 7th chris cruz was 8th.

Much respect out to Wayne who set driving aside to make sure the amateurs were taken care of and was there to help answer questions.

That track definitely was not KA friendly but I still had fun.

Congrats to Chris St. John, it’s been a long time coming.

wish i had a trailer on friday.

Oh well.

See ya at cscs!

Lol we need to get wayne in this cause I’m pretty sure me, chris, and peter all came consecutively.

Hey guys,

I’d like to thank everyone for attending! I hope you all had fun!
I know there were some last minute changes that a lot of you(and me also!) did not expect but I think it went well overall. The judges saw a steady improvement throughout the day from all the drivers and were pretty impressed with all the drivers.

Anyways, I present to you, the top 16 drivers.

  1. Chris St. John
  2. Curtis Lavigne
  3. Mike DeTurck
  4. Peter Chrisikopoulos
  5. Lucas Johnson
  6. Chris Budgell
  7. Mike Martino
  8. Chris De La Cruz
  9. Rafael Pimental
  10. Marcin Plaza
  11. Brent Ahenre
  12. Eric Vlasic
  13. Chris Klassen
  14. Theo Koudys
  15. Simon Rowe
  16. Corey Lehman

The rest of you, I’m sorry to say did not score any points.

Thanks again guys! Great job everyone!

There we go. The list! lol
Thanks Wayne!