drill our own oil petition.

it very well IS that easy right now. the US is an oil hog hands down. if we cut back, we pay less.

Top World Oil Consumers, 2006
(thousand barrels per day)
Rank Country Consumption
1 United States 20,687
2 China 7,201
3 Japan 5,159
4 Russia 2,811
5 Germany 2,665
6 India 2,572
7 Canada 2,264
8 Brazil 2,217
9 Korea, South 2,174
10 Saudi Arabia 2,139
11 Mexico 1,997
12 France 1,961
13 United Kingdom 1,830
14 Italy 1,732
15 Iran 1,686

ANWAR is no magical solution. It will at best input ~5% increase in US production. We can easily save 15% of consumption by building/driving better cars.