Drive Test Centre - Brampton to Burlington

arrora ftmfw

got my G1 G2 and G in burlington, i did my tests mid afternoon and went perfectly. i really recommend that you change the time if possible. burlington is retarded at that time. and you will most likely get cut off or have to do something the examiner wont like.

Well the way, I look at it. TACO if you want to know that actually is what went down. How ever, im not worried about the time or anything else in burlington im worried about the roads. I was hoping to get some insight exactly how the speed limits are. I know its rush hour time, but hey, what can I do eh? What are the speed limits like on the roads there? avg? 60km/h?

come to hamilton bring a couple of bills and u get your G easy

lmao how so bud?

peterborough is good to i asked the instructor to get out and push becuase my car was stuck (actually in nuetral) then fail parellel parking even tried twice then made an improper turn and didnt goto the right lane right away but it wasnt like a crazy improper turn or park etc. lady was nice

the speed limits for the most part in burlington are 60. but there are a few 50 zones that come out of nowhere so keep an eye out.

Come to kitchener, easy as shit to pass. The test center is in part of the city that is very dead and isn’t much traffic.

Did my entire liscense at the Kenora test ceter in Hamilton. Pretty easy going there.