I f'n give up!

Did my G2 road test (to get my G), and I f*ckin failed cuz apparently
according to my instructor, I was ‘speeding’ in a school zone (50 in a 40).

That’s 2 fails so far - the last one I failed miserably cuz I had to use my
240 which had a busted clutch.

F*ck this I’m getting a bike…

:x :x :x :x :x :x

What in the fuck? Where did you go to do the test?

I did my last G test in Oakville, when the DMV first opened up. No school zones, or anything.

You need to be super cautious man. Check blind spots, mirros every 5 seconds and make it obvious. Go super slow if you can. Set the cruise control.

Speeding on a driver’s test is ridicurous.

Oh and dibs on your coupe. :smiley:

Dude that sucks ASS!

Thing is though, you should have known that ALL school zones are 40 not 50.

I don’t know, I never failed any of my G tests or even my motorcycle tests either so I can’t imagine your frustration right now.

I guess just think of it as strike 2. So your not out yet man!

We all believe in you and to quote a line from the movie “Water Boy”,

“You can doooo it!” :smiley:

Good luck on the next try man.

Easy 8)

booo man, t5hat sucks, I did mine in oshawa passed with flying colours.

sorry to here it man, keep at it and it will coem

My license expires in Feb. 22nd of 2006 :noes:

If I can keep renewing my G2 forever, hell I’d be happy with that. I mean
what other advantage is there (besides lower insurance) other then
blood alcohol level.

The reason I messed up in school zone was I noticed no speed signs and
I assumed 50km/h (when there are no speed signs). But I failed to realize
that there was a school :pat:

I made a couple other mistakes which didn’t really affect my result, other
then the speeding in school zone.

Ah well, 3rd time’s a charm I hope.

And Nutta: You can have the coupe in your dreams.

Sorry to hear it! I understand the frustration however i feel yours is multiplied. Before you next G2 Exit test let us know and we’ll buy you coffee! :beer: :-k

I pwned myself after the test. :lol:

Her: You sped in the school zone.
Me: Really? But I was going 40. Where we took a turn at the flashing light.
Her: See, you didn’t even realize you were in a school zone. This was on Kennedy, not the one we did later on.
Me: :shock:

Apparently the instructor took me through two school zones on different
streets, and I fucked up from the get-go on the first school.

You should have boinked her.

Hey G there’s an easy way to remember how fast you can go when there is NO sign posted.

In a residential area, 40km.

Everywhere else, 50km.

Again that’s when there is no sign posted.

Easy 8)

What’s with all this G and G1 and G2 and blah blah blah bullshit they have these days? And all these rules and regulations and blah blah blah?

Back in the day when I turned 16 the next day I went and did my written test, a week later I booked my road test, I passed and I was fully licenced to drive anywhere and anytime.

Man they are making it too difficult these days.

Sorry to hear about your school zone inccident Gonad.

I’d be like “Hey do you see any kids running around? NO! okay so schools out, there are no kids running around just let me pass! 40kms/h 50 km/h whats the difference if I hit a kid at 50 instead of 40 the kid might have an extra brouze and a extra scatch big deal! Now give me my pass”. :lol:

It was near a highschool and no one was around.

Meh, I have been too lazy in getting my license. I dunno why I wait till
last minute. Maybe because I didn’t have a car for a whlie I just forgot
about getting my full G.

My condolences G

I sped, rolled stop signs, and didn’t check mirrors during mine and I passed…

Of course maybe it helped that I was driving a dealer demo with a yellow plate hanging off the back, and the instructor wouldnt stop talking my ear off the whole time. She marked the sheet only at the end of the test, and then asked for my business card :lol:

Anyways, better luck next time buddy… try some surprise sex, and if that doesnt work, you can always resort to the cooter punch.

It’s alright G, i failed my first time as well, and then I passed 3 days later :slight_smile: But you can do it! I believe in you!!!

My advise is to book your test about 11:25 or so that way, the examiner is hungry and will want to get back to go to luch as soon as possible.

This happened to me it was a 10 min G test, she said, ok you pass go back. we went back as I’m waiting with my ticket I see her run by with two huge bags of take out (must have been her day to buy)

anyhoo… go to a smaller township or something less troubles that way. I did mine in windsor.

yeah man

i failed my first time cause it was in my 240 when it was beat ass with bouncy coilovers, no horn, 3in gp exhuast with both bolts undone.

and she couldnt get the seatbelt around her fat belly

well she didnt fail me for that actually (so she says)

he said i didnt check my passenger blind spot while entering the highway to the left

WTF there was no lane beside me

she also said i shifted through an intersection. which i did because of habit and i would have been goin 60km in first…

also she said i was staggering lanes, WHICH I WAS BECAUSE MY CAR IS 4inches lower than stock and st.catharines has the shittiest streets evar!

so yeah i did it the second time in my beat ass auto corolla and passed no problem.

i hate fat women.

:frowning: sorry to hear this this G

when is ur test test?

for once luck was on my side and i passed all my driving tests on the the first try :slight_smile:

I failed my G1 exit test once and my G2 exit test once. Don’t sweat it G. If you want an easy pass then go and do it up in the sticks. My GF did her test in Huntsville or something and I think she pased two cars and a cow the whole time she was on the road there.

i was fortunate enough to pass everything on the first try…

i have friends that got bumped back to G1 because they didnt get their G… dont let that happen to you man. that is complete faginess.

I got mine today at john roads. First try on my 86rx 5speed. I got a cool guy.
