DrivenToPerform-Calgary - May 28th UPDATED

Hey lorenzo sars is a chinese thing not japanese (jdm=Japanese Domestic Market), not to burst your bubble.

He’s so USDM he’s retarded :lol:

HAHAHA, sorry Laurier :smiley:

How is an OUT OF TOWN car show event going to be the club’s “biggest get together of the year”?

I didn’t think that NECC stood for Nissan (edmonton) car club, it stands for Nissan Enthusiast Car Club. I think it’s kinda prickish to say something like that, does that mean I can’t be in the club because I’m not from Edmonton?

NECC is an Edmonton based club because we have only existed for about a year, but we hope to expand to other areas of western Canada if the interest is there. Kinda like have different chapters of the NECC. But this is something that will still take some time.

How is an OUT OF TOWN car show event going to be the club’s “biggest get together of the year”?[/quote]
Calm down sparky i just think he meant that this is the first time there will be an official meet between Alberta wide Nissan Enthusiasts.

But it will be one of the bigger NECC meets/event. Look at how many people Are going to show up and how many are coming down from edmonton for this. And I didn’t say it was going to be the “BIGGEST”, I said it was going to be one of the biggest meets of the year.

As for the sars avatar, I saw it, thought it was funny since nothing on my car is north american, and I thought I would use it. Plus I am looking forward to paying my fee’s for membership since i deleted the PM that had the address for me to send my papers/money to.

im going to have to agree with laurier here this should be one of the bigger meets this year and should be a good time! :partyman:

How is an OUT OF TOWN car show event going to be the club’s “biggest get together of the year”?[/quote]
Calm down sparky i just think he meant that this is the first time there will be an official meet between Alberta wide Nissan Enthusiasts.[/quote]

Whoa… what’s with you man. Everytime I post something you freak out. I was calm, why aren’t you?

All I meant was NECC was/is largely an Edmonton based club. I was not excluding out of town members, not at all… and I realize we’ll get more. All I meant was I would’ve thought considering up 'til now its mainly an Edmonton based club that the biggest gathering(s) would be here - in Edmonton. That’s all.

Geesh. :roll:

:roll: Save it 'til you meet me before passing judgement like that. Its too easy to take offense to written text on the internet.

If ~90% of the members are here, how would it make sense that the “largest gathering” would be somewhere else? Its not likely that 100% of the 90% here will go on out of town road trips.

How is an OUT OF TOWN car show event going to be the club’s “biggest get together of the year”?[/quote]
Calm down sparky i just think he meant that this is the first time there will be an official meet between Alberta wide Nissan Enthusiasts.[/quote]

Whoa… what’s with you man. Everytime I post something you freak out. I was calm, why aren’t you?

All I meant was NECC was/is largely an Edmonton based club. I was not excluding out of town members, not at all… and I realize we’ll get more. All I meant was I would’ve thought considering up 'til now its mainly an Edmonton based club that the biggest gathering(s) would be here - in Edmonton. That’s all.

Geesh. :roll:[/quote]
I just think that the way you word things seems somewhat rude sometimes. i have met you in person a couple of time and have nothing bad to say but on the boards some of your remarks do come across in the wrong tone.

man, drop the subject and stick to the topic of the thread. I made a statement and you jumped on it like you got all offended by me saying that DTP will be one of NECC’s largest meets of the year.

So back on topic, when does the show finish and where is everyone who is not in the show going to be while waiting for the guys to get out from the oval, just in case I can’t get off work and hang around the place the whole day.

How about we call it “A big Alberta NECC meet.” LOL sound fair no? :lol:

NO i’m from saskatchewan, and i’m coming, i think we should call it a necc club meet. :ninja:

Okay, I think I got this now, " A Big Meet IN Alberta "

i will finally get to see my tires again. :tonqe:

:lol: They might be bald by then, I threw them on for rears. :ninja: By the way you’re a genius Zazam I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Well you know LeRenard, I try to keep the peace and try my best to make sure everyone is a happy camper, especially with May Long around the corner :wink:

:partyman: Cheers to a good time in Cowtown! :partyman:

Good to hear, they are going in the same direction as the other 2 that completed the set.

Jesus. GOod thing this is staying all about the show.

So what’s the plan at the current time. Who is going to be riding down to Calgary with me?