Driver tries to run bike off the road

You’re projecting.
Biker should be cited, no question, but the loony in the truck shouldn’t be on the road period.

In what way am I projecting, doc?

Pretty sure I agreed with that above. But the title should say “Typical Tards on Bikes Almost Get Run Off Road by Shithead in a Truck.”

About the implication that “bikers can do whatever they want”. There is no such thing implied in the vid or in the posts anywhere.

That’s not projection, but that’s for another thread.

It’s implied in plenty of other threads here and in the general comments when the bikers see 1 retard in that video and the rest of us see 3.

Whatever. I’m out.

Well I ride a rocket and personally I think the riders were being irresponsible. You don’t pass on a double yellow. Doesn’t matter if your on a 1000 or whatever, it’s just stupid. However that one instance of bad judgement is a drop in the bucket compared to the asshole in the truck. He deliberately tried to kill the first rider, almost killed 3 others going the opposite direction when he went into the on coming lane. That not including the multiple other times he was in the wrong lane on the turn. His actions were 10000 times more dangerous in the 6k pound truck then the 2 guys on their 400 pound bikes.

Similar to how some people think its okay to squeeze between cars during traffic jams? I remember a vidego where a vehicle cut a Guy off doing that and caused an accident. People rationalized the bikers action Because no a/c and radio…

Lane splitting is legal in California cliff.

Was that video from California?

:facepalm you didnt get it, but if you wanna shoot out my tires go for it, just might want to realize what you’re getting into before you do it.

What point didn’t I get exactly?

Seems like you want to govern the road by your house by essentialy setting a road block because you feel like it.


I see two dumbasses and one psychopath if you want to get technical.

Motorcycles are the minorities of the streetz

His point is that it’s very annoying for people that live along the roads to have to deal with guys ripping up and down it on rockets. So if guys started zipping up and down his road on rockets at unsafe speeds he would park his truck in the road to stop them. To be honest I don’t blame him at all, just because a crotch rocket can easily take a 55mph road at almost 100 doesn’t mean you or I have the right to do it cause we can.

:tbu thank you, that is my point exactly, if you knew where i lived you might understand. For example the other week a sheriff blew up my road going way over the speed limit, i flipped him off and threw my arms up in the air. What if i was walking my dog and he hit me? theres some blind turns and hills that you can easily hit a pedestrian on.

thats exactly what i want to do, theres no reason to come down an old run down dirt road if youre not welcome around here :lol


Hypocrite much?

You guys are talking about people having no right to do something so in return you will do something you have no right to do either.

Unless it’s a private road in which case bikers wouldn’t be ripping down that road in any case making the comment useless.

If you block a public road then the cops will be called who will make you move the truck no matter how “logical” your point may be. It’s not your right to govern a public road. It’s not your road, it’s a public road and only cops enforce laws on public roads.

You have the same mentality as the degenerate in the truck, taking the law into your own hands yet im sure you break plenty of vehicular laws on your own making you go back against your own points. Unless you’re a complete saint and have never broken the speed limit or did a California stop to a stop sign.

yes i am a hypocrit have a problem with that? my road is pretty much a private road and everyone knows that, come down at your own risk…