Driving like an a$$hole on the street

hey guys, don’t post much but read often. :smiley: Anyway just a bit of a rant for all the pittspeed guys. I was driving back to work from eating a little lunch (at 12am, i work the night shift) when i hear what sounds like 2 cars coming up loud. I knew they were not v8’s immediatly so I look around, then see some purple (not HID’s) and regular headlights crest the hill on washington road by the galleria in the south hills very fast. Probably around 70-80 (speed limit is 35). Anyway it turns out it is a newest gen celica, and 2nd gen talon i guess racing. Well They come flying down the hill, the celica is in the right lane… i am in the right lane… i’m staring in my review thinking if this fucker doesn’t slow down hes going to hit me. I tap the gas a bit to get up to like 60, this guy is STILL coming WOT. Well he gets about 3 car lengths behind me, slams the brakes and cuts the wheel. Well little does this dumbass know that doing that to your car at anyspeed will send you into a skip in the direction you were traveling (toward me) I shit my pants, slam the gas curse out turbo lag, and BARELY avoid a retarded asshole driving like a fucktard on the street, while not knowing how to drive or paying attention.

After this skidding we come to the light where i have to turn to go back to work. I roll down my window, and this guy has the nerve to give me the finger!! I soooo wish i didn’t have to be back at work.

Moral of the story, I should be president and allow certain people to carry shotguns and blow out peoples tires that just suck at life, and shouldn’t be on the road. end of my rant, thank you. :slight_smile:


ps the talon was smart enough to slow down, i guess the celica thought he was winning, and was staring at the talon.

hahah wasn’t me, celica wouldnt have been winning

damn i hate that shit… people are so fucking dumb

thats what gives us that drive mod’d cars a bad name and gets us in trouble

hows your shit been runnin anyway whitey?

not to hijack his thread but i fixed the oil leak, she runs good… i don’t drive to much though. i got the lil woman to take me around

sucks, ppl drive like asses on that road, my girl lives out off of 19 near the kings…

I had some fuck tard in a brand new TL trying to run me in my girls 99 accord, funnyhting was there was NO WHERE TO GO, there was about 4 car lengths between use and the cars ahead, I would tap the gass and stare and let him take off almost in the other guys fron bumper, sad thing is I didnt neve know he was doing it at 1st, I just heard something loud next to me…

guess the kids dad owns Spitzer acura or something, he couldnt have been older then 18, and it was like 9 oclock and he turned right into Spitzer… guess his daddy owned the shop or sometning…

when faced with that situation all i do is just run out 1st and then go on my merry way…usually shuts them up quick, cant remember the last time i actually got above 2nd like that for those reasons.

I was in 4th then downshifted to third just becasue I don’t trust people. thank god I did or that asshole would of rammed my shit (which i just washed lol)

I still can’t beleive he gave me the finger :eek: :mad:

anyone on this board drive a black or dark grey new gen celica?

no celicas that i can think of

celicas are poop :tounge: :smiley:

Originally posted by Shaggy
celicas are poop :tounge: :smiley:


next time nod your head yes when they give you the finger

Originally posted by whitey
damn i hate that shit… people are so fucking dumb

thats what gives us that drive mod’d cars a bad name and gets us in trouble

Dude, I didn’t even come close to your car. I was just downshifting not even braking and I didn’t cut the wheel hard.

Celicas are Integras for women.

Originally posted by michaelblanyer
Celicas are Integras for women.

Integras are Celicas for Bisexuals.



Originally posted by tjZ28
Integras are Celicas for Bisexuals.

maybe… but at least those pole smokers are driving a better car…:tounge:

i hate it when people flick you off when they do something stupid.

ya I was heading home yesterday after work in my Civic beater… some kids in a Elantra wanted to race… he reved and then went like 65 down rt 30… with heavy traffic… weaving in and out of traffic… should have just pulled him out at the light and punched the hell out of him:D :smiley: :smiley: