Drop top BM's, I'm the man girlfriend…

Well, one drop top BM. Aero93’s S4 and his other halfs M3.

I hate convertibles, even though I own one. But for some reason I really like this M3 convertible, which is why I have more shots of it than the S4 :lol

36 photos total, see them all here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/killerblackbird/sets/72157626952806604/with/5834915649/

CFD Dan should have his shots up at some point as well.

Nice! Do want the s4

Love those S4s. Sucks they are a maintenance nightmare.

I really think Audi may win the interior battle vs BMW. And I’ve owned several BMWs.

holy sh!t man, these came out great dare i say perfect !
i know two black cars are a pain in the ass but wow the pics look amazing

I like Audi interiors 150% better than BMWs and I fucking HATE Audi / VW.

Thanks man. I was quite happy how they came out!

Awesome work as always and sorry I didnt introduce my self leaving Daves house the other day. Was a tad hung over from the previous nights festivities.

Thats ok man, I had no idea who was who anyway lol. You guys must have rocked it hard if there were stragglers still there at 6PM :lol I would have went but I had to work all night.

Yea Dave’s brother Mike should not be allowed to go near any one’s beverages ever again



That was your Si parked along the circle, right? Looked good :tbu

Jim…great pictures of two killer cars (I had an M3 a while back and sold an RS4 to buy my GTR). I’m really looking forward to seeing how my pictures turn out.

im sure your pics turned out fantastic aswell

not turned out … but WILL TURN OUT :slight_smile: Grim Reaper FTW

pics look good, convertibles are for women


just saw this

Thanks Shawn, we’ll have to get together next week for sure!

I agree, wait…:ohnoes :rofl