drug screening test question

crx yes thats why im scared ha

Is knowing in advance really going to change the outcome? :wink:

For the most part it shouldn’t be an issue unless you were in a small enclosed space with a lot of it in the air. Most likely it will be fine.

i tell this to everyone who gets drug tested - i smoke weed occasionally, around once every month or two. i have smoked weed less than a week before a piss test, and passed.

the only way you will fail a drug test for pot is if youre a heavy smoker (every day or so)

the end

edit - its funny, weed stays in your body for up to a month, but coke is gone within a few days. so you can pretty much blow a bunch of yay one day, then 3 days later piss clean. but people get in trouble for smoking a little weed every now and then. doesnt make much sense.

i was around a lot of 2nd hand weed when i had a hair drug test done. The hair on my head was too short, so they clipped hair from my arm pit.


I use to work for a drug testing company… it is impossible to test positive for weed from second hand smoke. They have done actual test putting people in phone booth size rooms with marijuana smoke and still tested negative.

If you blow coke on Saturday night… you will be clean by Tuesday.


ever sit in a honda hatch with the windows closed while your 2 friends smoke a huge blunt? i have. and i most definitely was fucking ripped within a few minutes


You can sit in a cardboard box for all I care. It can’t happen. The THC doesn’t float around in the air :bloated:. You were “ripped” because all you were breathing was smoke, not because you were getting lit. All you were doing was fucking yourself up by not getting oxygen lol.


You can sit in a cardboard box for all I care. It can’t happen. The THC doesn’t float around in the air :bloated:. You were “ripped” because all you were breathing was smoke, not because you were getting lit. All you were doing was fucking yourself up by not getting oxygen lol.


he is correct…

when urine is tested for MJ it goes to a preliminary test that filters out all non-negative samples… if the sample exceeds a predetermined threshold then it goes on to a second test for confirmation. Drug testing is 100% accurate, unless human error comes into play.

sweet jesus i love weed.

just took a hair test yesterday, i’ll let you know how it goes… i dont smoke, but i’ve been around it

haha ok thanks