Drug users click here


I’m not arguing with you either. All I meant to say from the start was that if someone wants to have a few beers, smoke some pot, etc., and does these things in moderation, its fine by me.

Of course all of that stuff can be dangerous if abused, but nearly every activity that people do in life can be dangerous to themselves or others. People taking strollers down escalators, people driving on prescription sleep meds, fatties going to BK everyday for lunch, shit going skiing or snowboarding, walking down an icy sidewalk. People need to be responsible for their own actions and cant/shouldn’t expect the government to hold their hands through all aspects of their lives.

not reading thru this whole thread… ALL drugs should be legal… if someone wants to do heroin then possibly overdose and die… o well, theyre choice… thats one less scumbag here

I occassionally :pimp: when I’m out. Hasn’t affected me negatively in any way, and I prefer the attitude more than drinking.

Heroin and crack is not cool though, and prescription use is just as bad too.

Reading some of your posts induces a bad chemical reaction in me. I KNOW that is unlhealthy… maybe we should make it illegal.

Vicodin, Oxycontin, Percocet, Morphine = Heroin

All narcotic pain killers come from the same plant that heroin does.

Snorting an oxycontin, swallowing a bunch of lortabs, and shooting a bag of heroin is the same thing, just a difference of preference basically.

long story short.

“smoke weed everyday”

-nate dogg on the doc’s chronic 2001

long story short.

it’s never really the substance, it’s the user and their stupidity / self control. If users only hurt themselves they I could give a fcuk - but that’s rarely the case despite best intentions.

didnt you just post looking for a job…

FWIF, i was speaking about pot smoke, not cig smoke.

The worst is when i see pregnant bitches sucking down those virginia slims. I’m just like, “lol, u R dumbbbb”



legalize drugs as long as driving under the influence of them is illegal. if you wanna fuck yourself up go for it, just dont hurt someone else in the process.

Smoke pot occassionally and you can still choose not to smoke anymore. Drink occassionally and you can still choose to stop drinking. Shoot heroin a few times, you’re fucked. Smoke crack a few times, you’re fucked. Pain killers are in the gray area in between, so they stay regulated.

Anything highly addictive should be illegal. The stuff that you become chemically dependent on after one or two times. That’s where I draw the line. Sure it should either all be legal or all be illegal, but that will never happen so I draw the line where there seems to be a step change in magnitude of mistake vs magnitude of consequences.

Violator made a funny:lol:

and nobody cares about your pride in being a waste of life drug user.

I smoke weed. I didnt know that was a drug. :slight_smile:

FUCKING NEWS FLASH. Like 70% of the successful people in Buffalo use drugs. Doctors, Lawyers, business men. I know MANY from upper walks of life and they party. Coke especially, weed, whatever. They are all successful and make WAY more money then you ever will. If they are wastes of life, what does that make you?

wualllaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Bingo :tup: