people are gay for bringning littel kids to soporting events
who boos navy…seriously… thats like punching grandpa in the nuts
i hate wvu fans in pittsbutgh … suckanigga dick they lost…fuckin hillybillys
bar room… good time… i made out with my best female friend who i almost fucked back in 03… good times were had in the hall between barroom and saddle ridge
i got a headach and gots to motherfuckin worky aat 9 am… like anyone is goin to the buccos game. …haaa
backto people who bring children to sporting events… what the fucl… for realll do you love urself that m,uch… FUCK >>>jesus
stacks in my jeans… not really stacks… just wood that that girl gave me and i really had to piss.
i ahte coal burners… black dudes are cool thou
i think i’m gonna shit my brains out in about 10 minutes.
i told everyone in barroom hail to pitt
i got gel in my hair and i dont feel like washin it out right now
guys next to me at pitt game stared at the fuckin cheerleaders the whole game …creepy as fuck… they were like late 30;s …u can tell they were the fuckin man in high school and their game has been over since the early 90’s …fucken douch bags… i hope they got aids.
heinz field fuckeing blows billy the goat , bnavy mascot… i’m, like what… fuve fuckin eaight… my fuckin knee crushes the God damn cup holder… and mt 4 dolloar bottle of iced tea fuckin tips over cuz they made the cup golder to hold a cup with a hangle but they dont even sell a fuckin cup twith a handle inthe place… fuck you sports and exhibitchtion authorataaaay… cock smokers… fuck you puke ravenbitch and dan onthecockyo…
we gave that fuckin mick rooney a free stadium youd think the fucker was jew…cheap fuck… that guy wipes his ass with 1000 dollar billz… OBAMA give the fuckin famers in Cali some GOD DAMN WATER… a fucken fish…for real broesph? a fuckin fish.l… i’ll shove a fucken flowmaster all up in polosi and be like gbodys…ho! flyin fuckard envirocrackards. GGGGGGGG 20… G 20… thats like 20 gbodys… on RIIIIIMMMMZZZZ donk…
turbo cutlass and yall can suck on my turbro rockets… i
m, out
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