dry walling help/advice


lol the hole is about 2 foot by 5 foot
pics up soon


I made one of those in the dorms. I filled the wall full of pizza boxes, beer cans, newspaper, pizza crust, ramen noodle wrappers and shit. Mudded over it and it looked normal… id hate to be the person that leaned up against it for the first time tho.

Anyway you need to go to Home Depot and get:
1 1/2" drywall screws
A drill motor with a bit a tad smaller then the screw body
several 2x4’s or just 1 to start
a saw to cut the 2x4’s (Hapbor Freight will have a cheap hand saw)
at least a gallonof spackling compound
wide spackle knife
several window screen style drywall sanding sheets

You will have to span the hole (ON THE INSIDE OF THE WALL) with the 2x4.
You cut the 2x4 about 12" longer then the width of the hole.
Put the 2X4 in the hole vertically, rotate it horzontally so it spans the hole on the inside of the wall.
Hold it up against the wall and drill a hole through the wall and into the 2X4 (dont be smart and skip the drilling, you will be sorry)
Screw the 2X4 to the wall through the hole u just made.
REpeat on other side.
Each 2X4 needs at least 4 screws in each side.

You can repeat this till you fashion a makeshift wood backing wall behind the broken wall.
It would be best to cut all the pieces first and stack them inside the wall because you wont be able to rotate them once the hole gets smaller… you can sill slip them in if they are not tool long. Put a screw in the center to act as a a handle.

You can then cut a new piece of sheetrock to screw to your wood backing and fill the hole shape.