I need drywall repair

Due to an unpredicted encounter over the weekend…there is a body print in my drywall and I would like it fixed. If any of you are handy, I could throw some $ your way, otherwise I am gonna mcgyver it.

The biggest problem I see is that its a textured drywall and its very old and brittle, so I dont know that the finish will match but I would be more concerned with the lack of a hole in the wall then anything.

let me know…

I’ve got a whole sheet left over from my construction last summer that you can have - just swing by and pick it up :tup:

pics and details

yeah, you pretty much need a new sheet. don’t ask, but i know a lil bit about this kinda thing. hell, ask fuzzy. he might even post pics

This article might be helpful.



:tup: To beating the shit out of a convertable sunfire too that night.

that fuckin car

that motherfucker

sitting there being all GREEN

my place of employment can fix it. not sure if your lookin to go that route.