Drying out carpet

With this nice thaw we have been having I decided to clean the interior of my car and I noticed my drivers side floor carpet is pretty saturated. I want to dry this up the best that I can and I am wondering what the best way to do this would be. Should I buy a container of damprid or is there something better that I should use.

solid vacuum, damp with towel… and run ure car wit the heat on the floor for awhile!!!

I have done all 3 and while it made a difference, I am not leaving the my car on all day just to dry my carpet.

use a wet/dry vacuum to get as much as you can out… after you should have very minimal moisture which should just air dry… make sure the source of the moisture (if not your feet) has been resolved.

use a large towel n a power full vacuum like the ones at the spray wash

wait til summer

Same problem. In for info.

Try a Absorber or sham wow. or wet vac. blow dryer & towel. Seriously this question has tons of obvious answers.

wet vac it out, I also keep a bath towel under the mat and change it out once a week. seems to catch most of it.

or deal with it till summer and take the carpet out and let it dry. make sure your floor boards arent rusty

sham wow that shit and be done

no wonder the civic isnt all nasty under the floor mat haha, nice thinking :tup:, I drive with the hea on the floor alot when its wet out, seems to keep the car dry.

It’s a new car so it’s not a leak/rust problem, it’s just from melted snow and shit. I have wet vaced it twice now and while it has done a real good job it still needs some more effort and i was just wondering if their was a better option.

Try to keep the towel under the mat. It will absorb whats underneath than catch whatever falls off. Do you have the rubber/winter mats that hold water?

I am going to try my 70 pint dehumidifier + extension cord. Does pretty well in a 1000+ sq.ft. basement, I am guessing a car shouldn’t be a problem…

haha nice. be sure to report back with how much water it pulls out of your car.

Nah I was going to buy rubber ones but I cheeped out and I wish i didn’t

It’s not too late. This isn’t the last winter ever (probably). Since you have a new car don’t cheap out, get the weather tech ones that are custom molded to fit perfectly.

the wet vac is the best option.
The trick is you need to press the nozzle against the carpet in one place and keep it there for a good 30 seconds +… then move on to the next spot.

If you vacuum in the typical way it will not pull as much water out as it should.
Its not the carpet thats the problem its the padding that is wet.
The pad is like a thick sponge and really hard to get dry without it molding.

I recommend pulling up the door sills. and pulling the carpet away from tyhe floor and folding it over so the underside is exposed and faces up.

Take a object like a tennis ball and stuff it under the carpet in areas you cannot pull up to create an air space between the floor and carpet.

Use a hair dryer or heat gun on the pad. (dont melt the carpet)

Get desiccant from a boat store and leave it back there for 2 weeks.

I hope you are bright enough to FIX the reason the carpet got wet in the first place and NOT REPEAT IT otherwise this is all a big waste of time.




hehe. I am +1 for 'wait ‘til summer’