DUI check points

Agreed. It’s not a problem to drink. Just make sure you have a DD.

^^ possible signature quote? :rofl:

Wonder if Neville island will be shutdown also

I should have said Northern Regional. (Richland/Pine/Bradford Woods/Marshall/Warrendale/Wexford, and saw one pulling out of Wildwood Rd onto Rt.8 the other day? Clearly Hampton Territory.)

Speaking of up north another area to look out for is the Indiana police department between saxonburg blvd and harmerville on Rt.910. They most always have a checkpoint right outside their building (convenient huh). Hell they put a speed trap right next to their building and had it manned at 6:45 this morning by a undercover cop :ugh2:

You could be bombed off your ass at lunch time, get in an accident, and they won’t even ask if you’ve been drinking. That’s when the true alcoholics are out in force.

DUI revenue points FTL.

I think we should stage a small scene at this baby once we find out where it is. All of us stone cold sober of course. It could be pretty funny, somebody brings a beater, purposely hits the jersey barrier, says he had a seizure from the flashing blue and red lights…


i love DUI check points…they see the g-body and get a hard on but then have to let me go cause my tags, inspection and license are 2 legit!

who gives a fuck?

if you’re driving fucked up, you DESERVE to get busted.

amen to that but i think its the fact your trapped on the officers terf and they can write you up for anything else. again if something on ur car isnt up to code thats ur fault and should be cited… just sucks it wasn;t probable cause to get pulled over like running a red light.

I do.

What if I didn’t drink at all, but I have to sit in a line of traffic and put up with endless douche-baggery just because some assholes decided to get fucked up and drive home.

It fits perfect with your backwards liberal thinking, a couple guys shit their pants, now we all have to wear diapers.

bad analogy.

if i shit my pants, it doesn’t affect anyone other than myself… and anyone within smelling distance, i’d imagine.

if i get drunk, jump in my car, and smash it into a VW New Beetle full of potential valedictorians, it affects more than just my drunken self.

i’m fine with getting rid of DUI checkpoints as long as we make drunk driving a capital offense.

If I drive home drunk and don’t hit anyone, it doesn’t affect anyone else. If that shit runs out of your pants onto the floor, believe me you’re affecting others, don’t even get me started on the bacteria and disease that lives/grows in feces, but I don’t want to get into minutia.

I understand drunks shouldn’t be on the road, and I agree they should be nailed for it.

However, why should sober people who don’t ever drink be forced sit through this procession, get out their license, registration, insurance, etc? At least we agree that checkpoints can/should be avoided.

Many pinkos who are all for DUI checkpoints won’t agree to “proof of citizenship checkpoints” in bordertowns. What is your stance on those?

I don’t think it should be a capital offense though. My reactions at 0.1% BAC are better than 70 year old grandmas reactions at 0.00% BAC. So to make it a capital offense, and have people getting nailed who were not actually impaired, would not be fair either.

I could drop a refrigerator down the stairs and kill someone because I was irresponsible and used the wrong equipment, but that doesn’t mean it should be a capital offense. You can’t really punish these things until something happens, the perp is caught weaving, running lights, or causes an accident.

How about this, I’m sitting in my car, drunk as a skunk, at a red-light, and get rear-ended by some teenage beauty queen who wasn’t drinking, but happened to be busy putting on her make-up. Should I really be at fault just because I was intoxicated?

It’s not as simple as making it a capital offense, but I understand where you’re going with that. I would like to have a law stating that drunk drivers who are clearly at fault in a fatal accident shall receive the punishment of the death penalty. Now that would put an end to this circus we call drunk driving, and place the responsibility back in the hands of the drivers.

while it is an inconvience, i dont think i’m that above anyone to complain about it. its possibly saving a life so its worth the extra time in traffic. its just bull shit they penalize people for other stuff.

If they’d change the name to “safety checkpoint” and abolish state inspection/emissions, then I’d be all for it.

that what Ohio does atleast up near Geneva

i have no issue with that at all.

i think there should be an electrified steel fence border with a moat on each side of it AND there should be a federal standard for driver’s licenses where every license is identical (other than name of state), and right under “Organ Donor” it should say “citizen/legal alien/resident alien”.

make the process to emigrate here faster, and take everything away from the illegals other than emergency medical care.

and tear up NAFTA.

holy shit… mark this down as a red letter date in history… me and shalerpunk agree on politcal issues.

to add to that. if you are an alien and ur kid is born here, that shouldn’t be grounds for automatic citizenship for him/her.

It’s amazing to see who we can agree with sometimes.

in order for socialism to work, you need as few parasites as possible.

my other idea was that if a mexican wants fast-tracked to citizenship, all he has to do is drag one piece of chronic welfare receiving filth back across the border into his former country.

mike! your the fucken man today. you sound like michael savage jumped into ur body