DUI check points



lol… i listen to savage on occasion. i have for years. when my sirius was broken, i listened to a lot of savage and glenn beck… hannity and limbaugh make my head hurt.

i don’t disagree with conservatives on some issues… but due to their stance on most other issues i can’t side with them too often. i’m all for harsher prison sentences, a secure border, and English as the official national language, but i’m also for a minimum standard of living (as was Nixon), free public university, and universal health care.

Hannity and Limbaugh make my head hurt too. Glenn is probably my favorite out of the bunch.

The public university, standard of living, and health care ideas are great ideas, but the problem is that they are not compatible with a free market economy. The problem comes down to staffing really. Doctors go through a lot to get where they are, without that incentive, less people would go after it, and we’d be stuck with lesser quality medical care.

A minimum standard of living takes away the incentive to pursue high stress/regulations/etc of a high-end, high-paying job in any industry, not just medicine. That lowers the standard of living for everyone. It’s unfortunate, but that’s how it has to be.

I personally like listening to Neal Boortz

eh… doctors seem to do pretty well in england.

and, who ever said a free market economy is the answer? america will be left with zero manufacturing jobs soon. even if the american product is better, you have to pay the american worker much more just to survive in this country.

i beleive this because americans have become lazy. i’m guilty of it. everyone wants to work little and get paid a lot. i wish i could find a job to make an honest pay for working hard.

Although I happen to think it is, I didn’t SAY it’s better. I said socialist medicine is not compatible with free market economics.

More than 70% of the financing is paid by tax receipts. Approximately 20% of these receipts come from Social Security Contributions, and about 5% from different sorts of fees. This way, the British Health System is by and large a tax-funded and state-run system. Unfortunately, it is getting more and more evident, that this way of financing is not working sufficiently. There has been a financial deficit of 750 million Euros in the year 2005/2006.


The problem with government running any part of an individual’s life is that who should decide how it should be done? If you asked me, I would say we should outlaw use of all preservatives, institute a fat-tax, and require mandatory micro-biological testing in all public places. Then we wouldn’t need our current health system to be so big, but nobody asked me, and I don’t agree with socialized medicine.

You can never beat a system that lets people choose. There will always be private insurance companies if that’s what you want. Personally I’d rather pay cash for everything.

Who says that state inspection for cars is a good way to keep roads safe? Well it’s too late to change it in PA, some bureaucrats put it in place a long time ago when cars didn’t last as long. Giving the government power over anything is dangerous, doing so willingly is foolhardy.

the emissions program is an obvious money making joke too.

I’ve gone thru DUI checkpoints before with expired tags/inspection & the cops let me go. Usually they just give a warning. They are there to get people driving under the influence, they are not usually worried about vehicle code. If you are a dick to them, then they will throw the book at you.

So, in your opinion, waiting a few moments for the Police to conduct a DUI checkpoint is not worth the effort? If it saves one life, it is worth it. Remember - the Police are just doing a job, they are not purposly trying to be “douche bags” as you put it. If you respect them, they will respect you.


Ever see those signs on the highway, “Slow down, save a life” ? Maybe we could all stop, get out of our cars, and pick up objects that might get puncture tires or hit windshields, if it saves one life, it’s worth it.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, you could make that argument about a lot of things, but time is pretty valuable as well, and there are a lot of activities that “could” save a life.

More dangerous to pick up objects in the road. than actually hitting the objects.

more dangerous, people throwin shit at ur car!

or rust flying off

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

friend of mine told me, dui checkpoint tonight in jefferson hills

thats odd, because i see nothing but an increase in manufacturing jobs

and this is why im stayin home tonight. who knows there maybe a few roaches i missed in my car

Pretty poor argument. It sounds as if you condone driving under the influence. If one is under the influence, they have a better chance of hitting someone or something than the items that puncture tires, or hit windshields which rarely kill people. Most DUI accidents kill or seriously injure 1 or more people. Usually innocent people.

Please don’t nit-pick the issue. I don’t condone drunk driving, but I don’t like to be unnecessarily inconvenienced because there are a few bad eggs out there.

I didn’t come up with a good example, the point I was trying to make, was that there are plenty of things we could do that might save one life, but that doesn’t mean they’re all worth it. Why not have breathalizers at the bars, and everyone has to take one on the way out, that might save a life. How about 65mph speed limiters on all cars from the factory, that would save a lot of lives, and gas.

My point was that just because something saves a life, doesn’t make it right. Sacrificing freedom is a dangerous game.

As Thomas Jefferson said “He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both.”

I’m not condoning driving drunk, but I don’t like checkpoints either. Personally I try to stay off the roads during those hours, and I’m very careful when I am.

The broad generalization that something is worthwhile because it might save one life, is foolish. What if someone sitting at the checkpoint got rear-ended by a drunk who fell asleep, and would have otherwise gone off the road and only harmed himself, what then? I just really dislike generalizations.

Banning cigarettes would save more than one life, why don’t we do that?