dumb question about firetrucks

Why do fire trucks have chains hanging from the bottom of them, sometimes even touching the ground? What are they for?

To put on the wheels when it snows? School busses have them too.

is that what they’re for? i always wondered…but why would they store them underneath the truck so you have to climb down there to get them in the snow to put them on?

best thread on pittspeed. :smiley:

I was thinking of the same think watching the brentwood parade on the 4th. :smiley:

For grounding purposes. It is to create the least resistance to ground.They have them on ambulances also.

But in wintery places they also chain the tires.


Wow here we go and I thought I heard it all they are called insta-chains basicly instead of putting chains on the tires to get better traction in deep snow these are installed on new trucks and all you do is push a button and they begin to drop down and spin…at which then the chains go undo the tires basicly doing the same as if you would put chains on your tires…

The Reason I know all this is I’m a Fire Fighter for Station 296 in West Mifflin…

Anymore ?'s about Fire Trucks? lol

you don’t know your ass from a hole in the wall. Go back to driving around in the lame ass cobalt.

O Really I think I do know what I’m talking about I work on Fire Trucks So maybe you should get your head out of your ass and anyone that works on trucks that are equiped with insta-chains would tell you the same. Your probably one of those people that dont support the Fire Department and could give a crap less what they do…

go start a fire

do you know a guy by the name of Scott with a cavalier?

Yea actually I do and You would be?

his cousin you dumbass


oh whats up sry for the aditude lol…

damn n00bs :smiley:

Lol How is the truck running oh wait its not lol im jp so when you gonna get that up and on the road…


Lol…Small World I would have never thought you would have been on Pittspeed…

cause we all know he has some serious vehicles

Yea Well I Know alot of people with serious vehicles but there not on Pittspeed…but anyhow you learn something new everyday…

I saw them under an ambulance today and was wondering the same thing.

So what’s the consensus, is it for grounding, for the tires in the snow, both?