This is why I hate crotch rockets



  • Bikers should invest in leathers…they will save your ass. From the article…460ft is fucking far to skid on your bare ass. Too bad he learned this the hard way.


had a friend of mine whose father rode from alden to monroe litho everyday in rochester.

Going down the 90 one morning, a car stops short in front of him. He was wearing inch thick leather pants and a jacket. Needless too say he ended up having to dump his new harley at 55 and slide on his ass/legs for a very long distance… Burned right through the pants, through his jeans, and scraped his leg ever so slightly, he walked away from it with a minor brush burn on his ass / legs.

And dawn, you hate all crotch rockets just because a few stupid kids do well, stupid things?

Thats like me saying i should hate all hondas becuase a few retards like to rice theyre shit out… :bloated:

but too each theyre own i guess :gotme: