This is why I hate crotch rockets




+2, aside from the occasional stoppie or when I find a need to flash my nipple rings at passer-bys.

But honestly, (we’re) out there exposed to the elements. If someone does a wheelie, it’s their life, hardly someone elses. Compared to a car screwing around on public roads, having runs with people the meet randomly on the expressways, etc, you never, if ever, hear about a bike screwing around pulling a wheelie, and having a cager die as a result.

Just sit back, enjoy the show, and see natural selection at work


Because you can take a stock 600 and do a wheelie…

It takes more then a stock car off the showroom floor to do a wheelie on the street :hitit:


no shit sherlock :slight_smile: It no less retarded in a car though.


+2, aside from the occasional stoppie or when I find a need to flash my nipple rings at passer-bys.

But honestly, (we’re) out there exposed to the elements. If someone does a wheelie, it’s their life, hardly someone elses. Compared to a car screwing around on public roads, having runs with people the meet randomly on the expressways, etc, you never, if ever, hear about a bike screwing around pulling a wheelie, and having a cager die as a result.

Just sit back, enjoy the show, and see natural selection at work


+3, you shouldn’t say you “hate crotch rockets”. Crotch rockets themselves, without an operator, are very very slow and safe. But some people who ride them unsafely should be the source of your hatred.

motion in favor for new title for this thread : THIS IS WHY I HATE IDIOT CROTCH ROCKET RIDING BIKER BOY RIDERz1!!!111

Nah, I’ll like ignorant people to expose themselves. Because we all know it’s the crotch rocket’s fault :roll:

How about this?

“I hate the goddamn scumbag bottom feeders who tend to congregate around the sportbike world. It’s too bad for the good, sane people who are out to ride and enjoy themselves.”


yea, this is just a bs bash fest.

I had one chick tell me she hopes I die because I’ve ridden wheelies b4 on bikes, and plan to again when I get another one.

You guys ahve to admit that A LOT of sport bikers ride like douches often…


You guys ahve to admit that A LOT of sport bikers ride like douches often…


I will bet you there are more people that have ridden sportbikes that don’t ride like douches that you never ever hear about.

I will also bet you that there are more people criticizing motorcycle riders in general for what they “see” without reliazing that some of their bad driving habits are the cause of just as much carnage (even if somehow Dariwin spares them from getting hurt) :shrug:

Let ye who be without sin cast the first stone. Or something like that.


I will bet you there are more people that have ridden sportbikes that don’t ride like douches that you never ever hear about.

I will also bet you that there are more people criticizing motorcycle riders in general for what they “see” without reliazing that some of their bad driving habits are the cause of just as much carnage (even if somehow Dariwin spares them from getting hurt) :shrug:

Let ye who be without sin cast the first stone. Or something like that.


uh oh the thread just got serious rick is getting italics on your ass :slight_smile:

Rx3 =bible dude

seriously… bikes are fast… bikes are very capable… riders are not capable… ride your own ride. be safe… live and learn.

I guarantee if you put the power to weight ratio of a modern bike in car… there would be A LOT of motorvehicle accidents involving the 4 wheeled cages. however, you most likely wouldnt hear about them as often because they typically tend to be less catastrophic when a car gets into a fender bender. Unlike motorcycles, where every accident has the potential to be very bad.

New sport bike 600cc’s 360 lbs (dry) … 110 whp…
New liter bike - 1000cc’s 370 lbs (dry)… 170 whp… the power to weight ratio is insane… people who dont want to learn how to handle it will get hurt if they dont practice making thoughtful decisions… impulsive, ignorant, “superman” style people will have their asses handed to themselves… sad but true…

theres a definite learning curve to motorcycles. sure to put around town efficiently is not difficult to do. but to be able to truly control an ss bike takes seat time. Every bike can do wheelies… minus jays rebel 250… <3… (even though it CAN wheelie) but new bikes are effortless to get up on one wheel… and very easy to flip if your not careful… time… practice… learning… are essential to not becoming a statistic. if you arent willing to do those things… stay off 2 wheels (I love the sport to much to give it up. anybody whos ridden will tell you the same. bikes can be a lot of fun. they can also be deadly.


You guys ahve to admit that A LOT of sport bikers ride like douches often…


I also bet you there are more people who drive like douches doing similar stupid/dangerous shit in their cars on the road. Don’t pigeon hole all sport bike riders.

Rick, to be honest with you, for every sport bike rider I see pull away normally from a stop, I will see 3 or 4 mashing the throttle and blasting away from a stop.

I take note when I see those ones that pull away normally, because I am usually surprised.

I understand that bikes are powerful, and there are good users, but there are a LOT of people who regularly do dumb shit on them too.


I also bet you there are more people who drive like douches doing similar stupid/dangerous shit in their cars on the road. Don’t pigeon hole all sport bike riders.


Where did I say that ALL sportriders ride like idiots?

Nope, didn’t say that anywhere. I said a lot.



  • Bikers should invest in leathers…they will save your ass. From the article…460ft is fucking far to skid on your bare ass. Too bad he learned this the hard way.


had a friend of mine whose father rode from alden to monroe litho everyday in rochester.

Going down the 90 one morning, a car stops short in front of him. He was wearing inch thick leather pants and a jacket. Needless too say he ended up having to dump his new harley at 55 and slide on his ass/legs for a very long distance… Burned right through the pants, through his jeans, and scraped his leg ever so slightly, he walked away from it with a minor brush burn on his ass / legs.

And dawn, you hate all crotch rockets just because a few stupid kids do well, stupid things?

Thats like me saying i should hate all hondas becuase a few retards like to rice theyre shit out… :bloated:

but too each theyre own i guess :gotme:


Rick, to be honest with you, for every sport bike rider I see pull away normally from a stop, I will see 3 or 4 mashing the throttle and blasting away from a stop.

I take note when I see those ones that pull away normally, because I am usually surprised.

I understand that bikes are powerful, and there are good users, but there are a LOT of people who regularly do dumb shit on them too.


I bet you if you get out of the city and onto back country roads you won’t see this nearly as much. That’s where you’ll typically find sport riders who actually respect the bike, know the bike is made for more than going 120mph on one wheel, typically know how to ride, don’t ride like asshats and are out there because there’s less retards in cars that don’t pay any attention to bikes they SHARE the road with.

I see just as much of this same crap with imports and sports cars though. It’s not the bike fault, its the one operating the controls…

edit: douchebags are douchebags no matter what they’re driving/riding.

I imagine that me pulling away from a light and shifting at 5k (redline is somewhere above 11) I would still appear to be moving faster than 90 percent of the peoples cars on here could go… 1st to 4th @ 5k will take me to well over 70 mph… acceleration on a bike is fun… its addicting. and I hardly see an issue with accelerating fast from a light. I hate having people behind me in close proximity since I don’t have the luxury of a seatbelt and a cage when I ride.

but at the same time every noob gets a 600 throws a d and d on it and does power wheelies in first gear from light to light and that’s where the issue falls. you have to learn somewhere. almost everybody does it but with bikes becoming so affordable while remaining so fast there will always be more people toolin around on their bikes

Oh, and for the record, I have nothing against bikes…

If they weren’t so many atrocious drivers, I’d prolly have a bike for gas savings in the summer.

fyi… my biggest pet peeve when people say that they had to lay a bike down. you can stop a bike very effectively provided you have adequate equipment (brakes and tires) and provided you don’t panic. if you chose to laya bike down you chose to give up control and you quit. that’s the bottom line. when u lay a bike down you no longer have any control. period