Dunnville Track Day

First off…Thanks again Derek for arranging yet another great track day!

Had a great time and I am sure everyone else did too.

Here are some pics from today. They arent great, but at least its something. I’ll have some video up as well, hopefully tomorrow.















nice Great Dane.

So how is the track with the new renovations?

lots of run off room now
and by the next time we are there all the black top wil be down so no more rocks covering the track

yeah i used teh run off a couple times when i went in too hot… thank good, it was nice and clean actually.

there was a little bit of a drop off but still better than some city streets.

had a great time, found out i need some more cooling to the rad and the brakes…lol

This was my first track day ever, and I had a great time. My car is in the 8th picture from the top, yay! :smiley:
I learned a lot of things I never knew before:
-Brakes before everything else. Mine kept overheating within seconds and shooting out big plumes of smoke.
-Tiressss yoooo!
-Suspension is quite important as well, but I’d say nowhere nearly as brakes and tires. My car was leaning like a beast in the corners, but due to good rubber, I could still maintain grip.
-You don’t need more power. I found myself lifting off the gas in the second half of both straights, because my brakes would not be able to slow me down enough if I sped up any more.

Scott (Vassago) taught me some great things about lines, and how mine was wrong, and after his pointers I could go a lot faster on the track and brake a lot less, so I could stay on for a few more laps before cooking my pads. Another very important thing that I have to learn is heel & toe, my car kept getting sideways going into the corners because I only know how to clutch kick downshift. Not so good when you’re trying to grip :lol:

Oh, and Bing is a madman. I rode with him for a lap, and I nearly shat my pants.

by the next track day i hope to have thin-spoked wheels up front to help keep the brakes cooler and hopefully a wider mouth in the front bumper to get a bit more flow to the rad…

too much fun that was…

i also need better seats.

It was a good time for sure. The drive down the QEW in stop and go really sucked. Sun + no power steering + heavy clutch + stop and go for two hours = :evil: , but it was more then worth it once I got there. Like others have said, that track can sure cook brakes. Guess I know where my next paycheck is going.


you guys should sign up for the july 28th day soon!

heres the pics i got before my camera died, i have a few vids as well

my car sitting lonely and broken at home, while im at the track…
i just painted the hood for the track with left over paint, trying to experiment with painting… no body work was done to the hood before hand and it was a 5 minute job.

and the track pics