DWI / Seat B elt CHECk

Transit and ransom… cant miss it cops and lights everywhere , almost infront of tops/mcdonalds

Good look, considering my car has no inspection or registration. I’ll be staying away from over there.

ya i dont have an exhaust but went thru twice … second time cops asks me if i had anything to drink. i say no sir sir … he goes well get out there and get something to drink and come back … hahaha good cop

yup i went through this shit

where the hell does transit and ransom intersect? i thought they ran parallel?

theres one on transit near waldon, in front of like hillview resteraunt. the cop shined a flashlight in my eyes and everything.


the cop shined a flashlight in my eyes and everything.


Well now… that makes it official!

yea i had to wait in the line on my way to work was late becasue of that shit

Was out last night. Heard about the checkpoints, and avoided Transit last night because even though I was completely sober, I didn’t wish to deal with the hassle.

Good on them for doing their jobs though!