
There was some talk a while back about purchasing a dyno. What’s the latest word on that?

I should be ready for a run with an A/F reading soon, and it looks like Stropes is one of my only choices :frowning: (at least for comparing to other data I’ve seen which are all Dynojet).

hybrid is putting one in


not sure, last time i was down there the building was just being constructed…damn contractors… anyway, i am sure jay will chime in with the details…

i think they said by spring!

the pit is dug, as far as i saw the heated floor is going in now.

i am trying to get a Dynojet by spring

the concrete has been poured for the dyno…

What kind? Either way, it’s cool that Hybrid is getting one! Looks like business is expanding.

I hope it’s AWD, but I doubt it will be.

hurry! :slight_smile:

slowboyracing.com has dyna packs which you can use for AWD

slowboy told me they wouldn’t have the second set of dyna packs or whatever for a while. He’s working on just getting the word out there last time I talked to him. Pretty good prices though right now.

wow, Hybrid seems to have come a long way from being nothing but a picnic table.



how the hell would you know?

anyway…yeah, the dyno pits just about finished up. we’re hoping to have the building finished by the end of march. we’ll have a dynojet model 224x with wideband readings, good to 1000 hp. i was hoping to have this in and operational by now, but nothing ever seems to go as planned. as the time comes closer i’ll give everyone more details.

Pittspeed dyno day for the hybrid dyno grand opening???


i 2nd the motion(if my stuff is done by then)


Can i drive on a dyno with no license? :lame: