EmeryatSTM drivin
Me drivin
I’m interested in buying your tune. Would you sell it separately from the ECU?
Your women. I want to buy your women. The little girl, your daughters… sell them to me. Sell me your children.
i was on my way to type that…
congrats on getting this thing right again
are you still wearing sun glasses
Take it to a track and drive it yourself. I am curious to see how it goes.
atleast you seem to have gotten better at driving now
big al is cool
HAHAHAHA :bigclap:
No one cares, you’re a douche.
Or we coulda done the mature thing here and just said: Nice tune.
Not bad dude, not bad at all :tup:
Big Al sucks. So hard.
Wait so you still own the car? You really made a lot of people think you sucked last time you picked up the keyboard here.
Why can’t i find the thread from the last time? lol i missed this and want to read up. is he trying to compare an e-mail tune to a dyno tune on a highly modified car?
Did you try goggling it?
yup, i searched SUPERLOUDSTI, SUPERLOUDSTI nyspeed, SUPERLOUDSTI innovative, SUPERLOUDSTI tune. nothing.
All you had to do was go under his username and search his old threads. Boom, it’s as simple as that.
You’re lucky I’m bored as hell at work today, lol
Awesome numbers at least.