E-Man: Let's find out..

who is cappin it ? i agree base boost to his .

Alright, I’m going to go

-Apply makeup
-Think about looking for a job
-Take a nap

In that order. E, I’ll race you at my minimum horsepower output from a 4th gear roll (to eliminate traction issues) next time I’m in the area with the car.

mine as it sits vs base or 11psi and its on like john on ice creme cake

For sure, next time I’m down that way, unless you wanna come up here. I’d require a massage pre-race for the very hurtful things that you said:(

you’re a cross dresser?

No, sometimes I wear nice shirts, and I get an odd reflection in pics that makes under my eyes look really light sometime (looks like makeup), serious. LOL, I know. I make fun of it myself.

And honestly I dress like a dirtbag 99.99999 percent of the time

Hey, you just cant climb in the ring with Ali because you think you can box.

I’ve seen pics of E’s car. Where’s the pics at TT?

It’s a bone-stock appearing ZO6. Honestly, the only ‘give away’ is the meth nozzles.

I still want pics. I am madly in love with C5Z’s

So buy mine

How much we talkin?

pm me

Frank, unless you’re painting it Sepang Bronze, don’t buy it!

If I buy this sepang bronze can fuck off.


This thread is tarded

holy dumb shit batman. This thread makes me sick!

what is this “we will meet half way and do 3rd gear pulls”?

Drive the damn cars how you drive them. Dont tell the dude your running to be in the same gear as you. The driver knows his car, knows what gear to be in. Let him decide what gear. Damnit.

Travis…lets face it. This shit wont happen. You wont come down here to run him, and he isnt going to go up there. This thread is pointless and is mostly a shit show.

This is like one of Pete’s races… “ohhhh, lets do a 20 in 4th up till 82 then shut down” :rofl. Wayy too many stips.