E36 ///M = weaksos a.k.a teh slow

Benny, step your game up maynee!!!

For those mis-informed or lost in this thread…4 door civic > Benny’s E36 :haha :rofl

In on page 1.

Benny’s too busy smoking mad weed, he probably won’t be on to comment. :idiots

Seriously, you and me are the only people post whoring at the moment.

:rofl well, it’s probably a first for you but

<<<<<< view post count :lol

I’m catching up as fast as I can here.

haha benny’s m3 = teh suxorz… :mwahaha

you raced him? lol

yeah dude, at like 4pm haha…then raced rankin’s purple M3 and got pulled over :rofl

M3’s are getting knocked down one by one ;D

haha i guess so :crackup

Little shit is QUICK that’s for surree.

And thanks alot Joey, last year I didn’t lose a race, take my car out, first race of the season and I get walked. Hard.




Bennie got 0wn3d.



sooo does the M3 wanna do a run with the SS??

andrew… u could leave it in 5th from what i hear… :lol

I’ll do a run with anything, I really don’t give a shit if I lose :rofl

Still fun!

Until you get nabbed by Colonie PD :haha

o you didnt know? I left it in 5th when we raced…

haha just fuckin with ya…deff. a 3rd gear drop

haha hey :nono