Joe > E46 M3

So I was going to see this girl last night, and I took the outer lane of the ramp from Interstate X to Highway Z like I always do, and probably held it at like 65MPH, nothing big, passed this BMW along the way, didn’t think anything of it. A minute later, I see him come flying by, happen to notice the M badge on the back, then he slows up and starts pacing me and downshifts.

We slow up to 30, I put 3 fingers out the window, he nods, I beep. My trans downshifts to first :bloated: and he jumps out about a quarter to a half car when I end up out of my powerband until the second shift. As soon as I hit second I get it back and pull about ¼ to ½ a car in second.

When I hit 3rd he gets the LS1’s top end wrath, I pull a car to a car and a half, and shut down at 1xx MPH.

He stays back and gets off at the next exit, and here I might have even let him show me up in the curves.

Nice…another victim top3nded by the ellisjuan.

what color m3?

Looked black but could have been any dark color…xxx road is very dark at night