Product: Easi Dry
Manufacturer: Eagle One
Type: Car Wash Detergent
Claim: No Hand Drying
Control: Meguiars Deep Crystal (the pink stuff)
rinse automobile
fill bucket with water. Add Easi Dry. Add more water to make a sudsy bucket
Easi Dry:
Meguiars Deep Crystal:
- wash vehicle
Easi Dry:
Deep Crystal:
- rinse with stream of water (i.e. no nozzle)
Easi Dry:
Deep Crystal:
left: Deep Crystal / right: Easi Dry
- Let dry for 4 minutes
No pictures because after 4 minutes there were water spots where the water beaded up and evaporated. Not wanting to do more work, I dried with a waffle weave microfiber and put on spray wax. The two sides were aesthetically indistinguishable and both had the same amount of water left.
Before the spray wax, I noticed the Easi Dry side was not as slick as the Deep Crystal side. Either it actually strips wax or it leaves a residue. Either way I don’t like it. It sort of made the water sheet off better, but not enough to justify its lack of lubricity. It gets as sudsy as the Deep Crystal.
What you should buy: Meguiars NXT or Duragloss wash
Nano spray wax: A-. Some streaking, not as easy to use as Duragloss Aquawax or Mothers FX Synwax Spraywax. Adds some protection and slickness to paint. Looks great.