While I can’t believe that this hasn’t already been posted, I must suck at teh searches because I couldn’t find it…
So lets pretend that I’m about the laziest “enthusiast” ever when it comes to washing the outside of my car. Hose her down, soap her up, rinse, towel dry, go do something else. I’ve waxed her twice. I have never and probably will never clay bar her. Polish? :mamoru:
What’s the best soap to use? I’ve been using RainX wash. (The stuff in the blue bottle with little carnuba beads.) It seems to work pretty well, but is there anything better for the lazy man’s technique that I do?
Either on THIS message board or another Ive read…ALOT of people complain about that ICE crap.
For soap…all seem pretty much equal. I use the Meguiars soap on my car. Then my ol man wanted me to wash his truck (both vehicles are black) he had some “Dollar Store” car wash soap and the end results were the same between the expensive and cheap.
Now, for wax…I thought the Meguiars NXT wax (paste works best IMO) was alot of hype but, figured what the hell. It IS GOOD STUFF! It made the black look deep, REAL glossy, real shiney…noice. Then again I did buff the entire car first with some rubbing compound to bring back the deep black.
OH also…my friend is another lazy sumbish and he loooves his “Mr. Clean” Spray Dry mechanizm thing/stuff . I dont personally like the results of the finish…kinda “eck” feeling on the paint after…but, thats an option too.
I got one of those for X-mas 3 or 4 years ago, and I’ve never even taken it out of the box. If some “lazy sumbish” wants to try it feel free.
OH also…my friend is another lazy sumbish and he loooves his “Mr. Clean” Spray Dry mechanizm thing/stuff . I dont personally like the results of the finish…kinda “eck” feeling on the paint after…but, thats an option too.
i use the meguiars NXT wash no ocmplaints here. ive also used the blue coral soap that works really well as well
NXT wash for hose washing. It’s very slick which helps prevent the paint from being marred by dirt.
Optimum No Rinse for a bunch of reasons. When there’s no access to a hose, when it’s too cold, but just warm enough in a garage, when I don’t feel like having the run-off kill fishies, etc. Quick 'n Easy wash is good too, but doesn’t leave the paint as slick and lovely as the Optimum. QEW is sold at Colton RV, whereas Optimum can only be ordered.
I just bought a gallon jug of some urtle wax wash from autozone. it was $5. I was previously using Meguirs Gold Class wash that wasa gift. I notice no difference in the two when it comes to washing.