Earl sheib paint opinions

I read it. But it’s hard for me to believe that for $450 they can do a paint job. Materials (good ones) cost more than that. And is the painter working for free?

What does the warranty cover? Flaking, fading, etc…

yeah covers all that except for on my urethane bumpers. they can do it so cheap because its a national chain.

brian give mea call 725-5366 i want to talk to your friend about the seats but your pm box is full

lol wait a sec, like 220 if you do like black white red brown purple tan lime green

umm u do know red is the most expensive color to shoot right?

i wish you well :slight_smile:

ehh i htink the red mnight have been 320. i dont rememeber. and ive never heard that. every body shop ive talked to said its all the same unless its got flake in it.