early shit at work crew



work sucks

Who hates their boss? :raiseshand: (not the owner, but the GM… god I hate him)

work :frowning:

I actually like my boss, he’s a very easy going guy. Some of my co-workers on the other hand, “hate” doesn’t begin to describe the way I feel about them.

everyone in my new department is great, no complaints

I like my boss :smiley:

If you don’t, then :ban: ? :smiley:

my boss rocks… x2 only reason why i like my job as much as i do!!!

the guy i work under is awesome and my boss is one of the nicest guys i’ve ever met course he lives in virginia and i only talk to him once in a while on the phone

Must just be me that hates my GM… :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

i dont work for Brian anymore. I am working with the guy Whitey interned with

werd… jim is the man, i got to meet up for a friday lunch again… that company everyone is cool

like i said chad if oyu want to move…

hook that shit up then. call today!