Who hates their job?

I figured this might be fun. My job is basically in a call center, I schedule appointments for Doctors/Tests. Figured I would see if most people actually have a job they enjoy and are happy with. My job isn’t my career by any means, I don’t consider it a bad job, but it is stressful at times.

Can’t imagine doing a job I hate. Talk about a sure fire way to have a shitty life.

I hate getting up early and not being able to sleep in but if I have to get up regardless, I like the job I’m at. If I could do it noon to 8, I’d really like it.

I enjoy my job. If I didn’t enjoy it I would quit. There are tons of jobs out there, poor people and stupid people with no useable skills would like you to think otherwise.

I’ve been in my current job just over 4 years…and I’m recently exhausted from it…

Happliy, I recently accepted a job in a diff. dept. one building over, so in a few weeks I’ll have a fresh start!

Well I am awaiting a response from NYS Corrections, so maybe I’m getting anxious, I have benefits, PTO, and the fact I have a job is a good thing, I didn’t finish my degree yet, and plan to continue schooling. It just sucks because i feel like i wouldn’t be able to find a job that would have the benefits I have and pay rate ($12.33 per hour, I know its not much), If i wasn’t in debt I would leave, but I’m just riding it out. I mean there are other departments where I work that may be less stressfull, I would switch if I could, so its not the company as much as it is the departent I am tired of.

I have worked for a lot of shitty company’s but the current place I am at really is a great employer, they have there own issues but I do enjoy my work I do and the people I work with. Been here since March.

For the record I am UNIX/SAN Admin & Engineer

yesterday I was just thinking. Everyone loves money, but how many people actually enjoy thier job?

I like some aspects of my job, but not being able to fucking sit once for 5 + hrs is bullshit, and with plantar facitius its so much worse.
(after 4 hrs of work in ny you get a mandatory 15 min break ) try telling that to any employers in wny. I know I dont get it.

I’m thinking they make up for it by giving us longer lunches, but that dosent make shit for sense to me.

Dealing with idiots is fine, thats all I do, all day. You know the majority of people who come into an auto parts store, dont have a fucking clue about thier cars?

Whats worse is when they call and say yeah i need a price on some front rotors.

Then sit thier like a jackass and dont tell you what kind of car they have. I shouldnt have to ask, year, make modle of your piece of shit.

I fucking hate my job.


my answer to this question changes every day.

---------- Post added at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

So true.

Well said, lol.

-Dental eye and health benefits
-Eye candy at work
-Free shit from work all the time
-Weekends off
-Paying the bills, having fun, AND saving
-Decent Security
-Career Potential

For the most part i’m happy where I am at, but it’s still your typical 9-5 office space bullshit.

I definitely like my job

awesome employer
tons of PTO
great, challenging work
good pay

I love my job…

Free cable
Free internet
Love networking
Good money
They pay for training
I get to play with multimillion dollar equipment

Only thing that will make it better is when/if I transition to a regional security position

It does have 1 down side is our change management window is 2am-5am which sucks but you end up getting the next day off so its not so bad.

I also really like the side stuff I do pentesting and security consulting

I really like what I do.

Everyone that likes there job most likely has a college degree, I’m still working towards mine and thats probably why I’m not happy, since my job isn’t going to be my career.

If you took a job in procurement, I will be hard not to hate you :stuck_out_tongue:
I have a few choice stories should you be interested some day :slight_smile:

I do not hate my job. I get paid to find ingenious ways of testing things that are not even slightly cost effective
for the real world. (And the project I’m on got a $35mil DOE grant)

i like my job. i’m not a fan of the ridiculous amount to time that’s involved, but you gotta pay to play. generally speaking, people that are on the couch at 5:30 eating potatoe chips don’t make it very far

No degree here, but I am planning on getting my BA degree from Medialle once I qualify for tuition reimbursement from my current job.

you dont need a degree to be a corrections officer :gotme:

What is this?

I <3 my job, some of the coworkers need to leave for me to enjoy it more… :slight_smile:

Sometimes two or three…

College not required. Some talent and some luck can go a long way.